Just because pylons are univeral doesnt mean the plane is authorised to carry any weapon on that hardpoint each loadout needs to be authorised by the manufacturer any typhoon could carry any nato weapon as per STANAG standardisation on any hardpoint it wishes. Technically it could put a 2000lbs bomb on the outermost pylon (Eurofighter GmbH might have reservations on this and not allow it). Same goes for the missile on the wing root if Eurofighter GmbH hasnt allowed it, it wont be done. Another question is if that hardpoint is connected to both the air to air switch and the air to ground switch in the plane or as it is only authorised to hold GBU’s its only linked to the air to ground switch.
I think it is a translator issue. The year listed is 1994, so he probably said something like “this is of the 94th year”, but it got translated to “this is 94 years old”.
might remove brimstone and paveway iv from German EF.
they already in hyper copium mode
You have sources it’s never been used? If there’s one it might be marketing lie
Brimstones are historical. Just the variant isnt. Could give german ones brimstones 3 and you all keep the current one.
Paveway IV sure but you would get stuff removed as well.
Not to mention how in the future you guys will want / argue for Hosbso
in game variant could carry brimstone 3?
And where is the Hyper Copium?
Its a software update. Yeah of course they can
Doesnt matter which brinstone it is
Whats the difference between Brimston 1, 2 and 3? I know Brimstone 2 has considerably more range than Brimstone 1 (which would actually put it in a similar range class as the AASM and Kh-38M’s instead of 1/2 to 1/4 the range…) and that theres a SALH mode added om brimstone 2 but thats about all I can find…
Dont know the specific either.
@Gunjob would be better for that
Only thing i know is that brimstone 3 should have way better IOG. If we get that the shoots across map without lasering will become realy deadly
According to the documents on the DA1,2 prototypes, they cannot be equal to the serial and repeatedly upgraded Typhoon Tranche 2 Block 10-15.
DA1 and DA2 could not even use air-to-air weapons, they did not have any systems, they were just prototypes for flight tests.
The earliest mention from the manufacturer was about 2002 for Tranche 1, and for 2 or 3 in 2015.
Brimstone 2
Not super up to date on Brimstone 3 but I do know it comes with a very accurate IOG system.
That’s why they were named scalpel))
Right now the iog should still be the copy pasted one of hellfires? That ones a bit of a shame but doubt sources for that are handy to come by
What about the double wing aim120 pylon found in the files? will we be receiving that as well?
Only have info on Brimstone 3’s IOG I don’t have anything for 1/2/DMS/DMS+.
Just wait and see.
Dont get your hopes up that being said.
There is a lot datamined stuff that never made it.
Keep it in mind but dont be dissapointed if it isnt coming
I’m not getting my hopes up necessarily. I’m just confused as they say the pylon doesn’t exist, yet it was added to the files.