I never said there were no channel losses so i won’t file a bug report about it. The thing I’m mostly interested in would be the thrust curve used in game for the engines at different heights, AoAs and speeds but I doubt that we will ever see these graphs.
Additionally the part about the EJ200 being throttled (for reduced wear and doubled service life of all parts) and not running at its full potential power it was designed for currently is of interest to me.
Edit: And another thing would be the pyrophoric flares of the BOL launchers of the EF.
Do not fret. I have personally reached out to the Bundeswehr to gather the necessary information.
Now we wait.
Hopefully our NATO alliance will be enough for them to share to a US citizen.
@Fireball_2020 and @Flame2512 supposedly have hard data on channel losses, which is what is used to model the thrust in-game. They also likely have the data you are asking for.
But why? AFAIK the Eurofighters with the CAPTOR-E only entered production last year. All until todays EFs use the CAPTOR-M (which is still one of the if not the best mechanical radar with AESA-like abilities).
You can calculate it yourself approximately.P=G*(Cc-V)
G=mass flow=
С-Speed air
a кр=The speed of sound, taking into account the inhibited flow
Fв-the area at the entrance to the engine
Pв-dynamic pressure
Tв-dynamic temperature
Cc-The rate of gas outflow from the nozzle (It can take about 900m/s)
V-flight speed
Rг=Universal gas constant 287
Тг-the temperature of the gas in the mixing chamber (or the temperature in the afterburner)
фс=relative pressure losses of the gas in the nozzle
The normal performance of the engine can be increased by a so-called “war setting”, which, however, leads to a greatly increased maintenance effort and a shorter service life of the engine.
Presumably, this additional power is achieved by increasing the temperature and pressure in the combustion chamber. In this way, an increase in the dry thrust by 15% to 69 kN per engine and an increase in the afterburner thrust by 5% to 95 kN per engine is achieved.
For a few seconds even up to 102kN thrust can be realized without damaging the engine.
So you can even give 102 kH in the game (10401 Kgs) “As the maximum possible power)))”
The first stage of Eurojet development involves an increase in rated power to about 72 kN, and combat power to more than 103 kN. Eurojet believes that this is possible in 2000-2007 due to the use of an updated low-pressure compressor (LP), improved turbine cooling and new materials.
The updated compressor will have a pressure coefficient of 4.6 and an increased air consumption by 10%. “We are currently working with [89 kN], and considering the Eurofighter, the contract provides for a 15% increase in capacity. This is a simple step towards increasing the power by 15% in the first stage,” says Morgan, who adds that replacing the fan will be mainly an R-R task, while MTU upgrades the compressor.
The second phase of growth will begin around 2010, when dry thrust will be about 78 kN and combat power will be almost 120 kN. This will require a new low pressure system with a high flow fan, a higher pressure coefficient and a modified low pressure turbine. The core will also require an “upstream”.