Yeah, if my memory serves me right, that engine development is called “EJ230” (72/103 kN thrust and successor of the EJ200 Mk 101) which is nowhere in use as it isn’t finished yet (priority is low as the current engine is satisfactory) and will also receive the TVC which is still in development too. The current engine lifetimes of the currently in use EFs is also nowhere near their ends (thanks to the throttling) so the need for a replacement is currently non-existent.
I personally think its kinda sad, that the EJ230 didn’t win in the competition for the Gripen NG engine as it could have been the catalyst for its development and would have given the Gripen insane manouverability if they retained the TVC for that engine.
You need to count an empty plane. After all, these 300kg are purely individual (the weight of the pilot and similar factors are unstable and not accurate, which can worsen the characteristics of the aircraft)
As I wrote earlier today: Counting these things into the “empty weight” is defeating the definition of “empty weight” which is clearly defined as quoted.
Empty weight means the weight of a vehicle excluding the weight of ammunition, fuel, oil and lubricants, removable reactive armour, spare parts, tools and accessories, removable snorkelling equipment, crew and their personal equipment.
Incorrect, when talking about WT. WT empty weight is really empty. Weaponry, fuel, oil or crew is not included in it, those are separate values which are added to it during runtime.
Yes I know that… The general empty weight for all Typhoons is 11.000 kg but some have PIRATE and some don’t. So what is the weight of PIRATE which the german Typhoon doesn’t have?