Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Seems to be a little low.

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Intake losses are not accounted for in the document


I assume they account for it when hovering over the engine in game?

Unless someone gave them documents with intake losses it will be estimated by them, but yes.
Realistic intake losses are ~10%, in which case the engine would produce ~8164 kgf so I assume they have been overly optimistic or found documentation.

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I hope they did find some “Sekrit Dokuments” haha. Lets hush hush about it so they keep it this way ;P

Channel losses are sourced, the thrust is pretty accurate, if not a tiny bit low.

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Which source

EFT prototype thrust accounting, tests and modelling were done account for channel losses and the engines not being at the 90kn spec.


Sweet, does it have any figures for dynamic thrust


Why we habe on;y 6+2 and empty hardpoint.
No 8+2. No 6+4. All source said this.
Joke. All this game and devs.

Anyone know documents/books/official articles about Phase 3 Enhancements Package? I can’t find anything appropriate.

Hopefully Germany gets the pirate irst as a researchable modification, as Germany retains the right to purchase the system, and it has all the wiring there. It would really be a nice feature

Hi, does anyone have any info on the Aim-9 L/i variant with a smokeless motor? It would be very important to make a bug report if that does exist and was used by the plane. The smokless motor on the Aim-9M makes it very powerfull in ground RB and in Sim battles…


Does anyone have a source for the Eurofighter using the AIM-9L/I-1?

I’m very sure the Luftwaffe uses/used them but I don’t have any source.
Maybe we can get an Li with smokeless motor/9M copy as an upgraded IR-Missile and the 9L/I as base IR-Missile


Is it possible for us to get an aesa radar? The rafale has one so why not give us captor-e mk.1?

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But why we can’t use Twin Missile Carrier for aim-120?
Same missles

Not the same aircraft, but regardless if a official illustration shows it, Gaijin only accepts actual flight proven sources

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No its not.
Eurofightee with asean radars only recently started test flights.
Only export efts have an asean mk0


@gojuancamilo we are on it.
If i remember right @Godvana has the stuff for its but he is busy right now

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