Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Hopefully the German EF gets the pirate as a researchable modification, as they are capable of purchasing it at any time, they chose not to due to budget reasons

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The MOD says it can supercruise and yet it can’t in-game so what are you saying? Did you think my intentions are to nerf it?

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Yeah the german one is just straight up the worst one in-game, theres no real reason why it shouldnt be able to get PIRATE since it CAN run PIRATE.

I doubt itll get it tho.

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can u tell what pirate is rq

Thermal camera on the left side of the pilot used for locking planes heat sigs instead of radar.

pirate is irst?

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If it can run PIRATE why not just use the argument the brits used to get AGMs mounted on their gripen in the first place. If it can mount it it should get it for balance.

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not only the IRST, but german typhoon is also the worst because it doesnt have aim9m

Yeah its really strong for sim, since the PIRATE ingame is both a camera (so you dont need to bring a TGP to use it for air to air like I like doing) and a sensor to find targets in a 180deg arc without alerting RWR)

Correct. Its PIRATE IRST.
EuroFirst Passive Infrared Airborne Track Equipment

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Ah, alright.

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Yeah its actually kind of adding insult to injury because BLUFOR in sim always gets the british Typhoon (best one in-game) and REDFOR in sim always gets the German Typhoon (worst one in game) when BLUFOR is already way too strong and REDFOR is already struggling hard…

@Gunjob I have a source for Kuwaiti Typhoons running 2000lbs JDAM (GBU-31V1) would that be enough to get it added to the in-game Typhoon as an “available weapon”?

Well the sov’s might be getting a new top dog this update so hopefully getting the worst EFT won’t be so terrible, esp since france is getting the rafale


not the block argument again

It’s only a first iteration… I’m not suprised

People had the same relaxed demeanor in regard to the F-15E and yet it made it to live, that is all I am stressing about.

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I don’t think so.
At least according to this
Thrust 90 kN (20,000 lbf) with reheat | 60kN (13,500 lbf) without reheat
13,500 lbf is 6123.497 kgf
20,000 lbf is 9071.847 kgf

So it would be about ~ 5% less thrust than eurojet says.


Seems to be a little low.

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