Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

of course it did, it still is possible, they share the same installation points

Really? Cuz ALARM is no longer in service. They retired it shortly before putting it on the EF2000 iirc…

did the Lw ever own harpoons? i know older ships of the marine use them, newer ones use RBS15Mk3 and there is apparently interest in the NSM.
also technically, technically, the Lw does not “own” those 98+XX aircraft.

ah no i just meaned generaly that the ALARM slots can be used with BVR missles

Nope that harpoon brainfart came up with the Tornado Replacement debate a few years back, with the US promissing full support with the integration…
As we can see… Nothing happend.

Ah, i see

True… We still pay for them completly tho…
Or spendings are a mess… No wonder nothing gets done 🥲

lets hope they figure out how to do stuff for the ECR so its not just a normal eurofighter with a jammer pod…

but back to the brimstone, these 3 here look like live missiles with inert warheads to me, the same that was used on british eurofighters for testing
i’d assume that its the Brimstone 1 without the dual mode seeker but who knows, maybe that non-seethrough radome at the front is seethrough for whatever wavelength their laser designators are.

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ALARM got killed off due to the MODs constant budget cuts. A pair of them were strapped to DA2 (ZH588) though:

I think they are inert missiles. The picture you posted is of a drill (completely inert) missile going off the label.

As far as I can work out:

Yeah Brimstone 1. Dual Mode Brimstone and Brimstone 2 look like this:

i wonder if the colour of the missile body has anything to do with it. this one is white, others are grey. Black ones are for display only…
the black/blue ring for the live seeker is kinda weird to me because that looks like an advertisement at some expo like ILA Berlin with “Dual mode brimstone” written on it and “IRIS-T” on the iris-t. thats really a show-off kinda thing

I assume the black yellow yellow means live seeker, live missile because that’s what the ones used in combat in Ukraine have:

As for the blue: the RAF tend to use that shade of blue to indicate that something is inert. Pretty much all RAF missiles conform to that.

yeah the colours might be right but the advertisement on the side of it just doesnt sit right with me.

Just marketing presumably.

i still wonder if Germany ever actually bought them… like, the English wikipedia page says so but its wikipedia so who knows.

doesnt matter, just like the pgm 2000 if we see a picture of it being equipped it gets added to the loadout

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maybe. that plus the fact that the software updates that integrate the brimstone are on German Eurofighters as well

Depends on the tranche of eurofighter though. Germany didn’t get the PIRATE until a little while after unless I’m misrembering while other nations had it. So wouldn’t suprise me if it was a later tranche on typhoon that had brimstones on the German one