Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet



предложения Dornier и MBB, известные также как LA-RPV (Luft Angriffs RPV).

F-16 still going strong

Again regarding the ability to carry Amrams on the Pylons.
Pylon 4 and 6 are ALDERUs with ability for both to carry TMC

Do not discuss or talk about the information. It is classified and against gaijin community rules so please quit talking about it.

I edited it

TMC ≠ TSC, it can carry the TSC but not the TMC.

both ALDERU and AHDERU support the 14" lug spacing for 1.000lbs class weapons(standardised under MIL-STD-8591) and the same electrical interface JN1003FG-16-26P(both of this is public knowledge as its literally on the manufacturer’s website). so, both electrically and mechanically the MFRL fits onto the AHDERU as well(and by that matter anything else that fits on ALDERU).


U are right i overead it as TMC my bad

PS: i really need neeew glasses no joke.

Yep as i understood it the AHDERU just supports heavier loads that the ALDERU

yes, exactly. its got additional 30" lugs for 2.000lbs class weapons

To bring the thread back to the OG topic…


what u talking about it is on topic the whole time, while those are the typical layouts the fuell tanks /standoff missle possitions can be equipped with braam missles as well

Cancled cold war protoypes, r73s, tornado ecr, mw1, durandal… Very on topic 😂✌️


only the first 3 of these are actually possible irl(minus the TPOD on the MEL, it’d be on the centre pylon),
the other ones are using weapons that are not integrated… yet

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Doubt that Anti Ship will ever go anywhere honnestly. Harpoon integration has been delayed like 4 times already.
Air to Ground Rocket Launcher… Could be Brimstone. That was tested already. Every by germany

The only loadout on that pic i posted that is not yet there quiet yet is the SEAD version.

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anti ship has allegedly been initiated by Italy with Marte ER instead of Harpoon. Brimstone is already operational on Eurofighter with i think it was P2E or something like that. whether or not germany has it remains a mystery.

that was a german prototype test demonstrator wasnt it, since it already had IRST and the brimstones

The brits wanted to do this…
Never went anywhere iirc…

Yep. One of our system test airframes

I brought up harpoon cuz that what we chose as our ASM of choice