Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

even without a later seeker activation it would have improved PK

How do you know about this? Can I have the source?

FYI you need to click the post, as the images don’t appear to load from a quote when hidden behind spoiler tags.

Can you explain this in more detail? I don’t understand this drawing.

The Meteors No Escape Range is the 3x larger than an AMRAAM, this means the typical range for a non manoeuvring for AMRAAM is around the same as the NEZ for Meteor.


So what? This doesn’t mean that the R-37M and PL-15 can’t fly 300 km

straight line maybe, but NEZ says manoverability,
He is speaking about effective range i think. Its nice R-73M /PL15 might fly 300km, but they will hit nothing if they only fly straight

I can believe this.


This is true, but it does not change the fact that the R-37M can fly 300 km.

NEZ is important as up until that point target maneuver has a massive impact on pK. If your missile can hit out to 300km but the NEZ is only 100km then the target has 200km of distance where they can trash that missile.

You will never know about this, some sources claim that the R-37M recently shot down a MiG-29 from a distance of 213 km
(Sorry if I offended anyone here)

nr1, most things russians seem to give out of the recent conflict are vastly overestimated or blatantly wrong
nr2, the god knows how old mig 29s with bad equipment

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I would like to know more about this.

I don’t doubt that possible at all, the MIG-29 is still rocking the SPO-15, its likely they didn’t even know they’d been fired on as such I doubt they’d have had made any effort to defend. Modern aircraft and even the Tornado F.3 back in 1987 can detect DL on their RWR, and take the necessary action to defend.

From the Tornado F.3 Tactics Manual and its RHWR threat table;



would have to take that to direct message because that gets to political for here


how many datalink targets does the eurofighter have? anybody knows?

its just simple physics
but in a nutshell:
the rocket motor doesnt burn for long. the missile kinda acts like a ballistic missile. it goes very high to reduce drag to increase range. higher altitude means lower drag due to lower air density. however, lower air density also means less maneuverability
so what that means for the missile is that if the target went outside the predicted area while its at high altitude, its effectively dead.
Meteor doesnt have that problem because its powered for longer and doesnt have to loft as high for long range.
Same goes for multi-stage missiles. they can loft and still have enough energy left at the end.
Thats why these are typically advertised to hit tankers, awacs, etc and not fighters.
now obviously you can get lucky against an oblivious target

you can clearly see this in the maneuver vs non maneuver diagrams

Given the radar has its roots in the Blue Vixen I’d expect atleast 4.

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The UK, Italy and Spain required the Eurofighter radar to have 6 data-link channels. At the time of this document (November 1993) Germany was only requesting 4 data-link channels for their Eurofighters though, and had less demanding TWS requirements (it seems they were trying to save money wherever they could).

Other UK documents suggest that the radar met our requirements, so that would be 6 channels. I imagine that all production Eurofighters ended up with the same standard of radar in the end.





Yep its atleast 6 if not 8 acording to this doc
and the ability to track 20