Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Man i wish they made CAP cheaper already, i’d rather spawn in my tiger to do cas and then do some cap in the Eurofighter

its allready reported Internally

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Ah nice, thanks for telling me then :D

they “changed” the radar of ef2000 and other toptiers, anybody know what this means? did they finally fix TWS?

probably a long way off from next gen missles

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Hi All, could you please share your thoughts on CAPTOR-M’s performance on the Dev server and fill in the poll I’ve made:


Apparently the Eurofighter has an AoA button now. Has anyone had the chance to try it out yet?

AoA limiter? Nice!

Holy, im jumping right in, i hope to god this makes it to the Live Version

Nice, so the AOA disabler makes it so your plane doesn’t auto pitch down using the canards so you can pull more. Obviously nowhere near as good as Su-30 but without TVC im satisfied.

And the MIG 29’s are getting it as well, nice.

Oh neat, gonna try that.

the aoa button is uh


Ah yes, extreme overload of checks notes normal gravity

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What are these weapons?


MARTE-ER anti ship missiles, being integrated.

@Gunjob what are the chances of an report for the CANARDS to get this angle when the APU/Engine is off?

Errm probably not high, could be a suggestion I guess


would be nice in the hanger at least :shrug:

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I think Germany’s EF-2000 should receive the AMK, or maybe a future block iteration, to balance the lack of IRST.

  • Eurofighter [DEU], F-2000A, Typhoon F.G.R. Mk. 4:

    • added maneuverability mode
      • will begin working from below 720-700 km/h IAS or M0.51-M0.5
    • wing adjustments:
      • made much more prone to wing stalls when at high AoA (loss of Cl in a spin 0.03 → 0.2, loss of Cd in a spin 0.07 → 0.08)
      • moment arm shifts by AoA adjusted:
        • will now be shifted further in at 0 degrees AoA (0.015->0.02), reducing pitching moment close to 0 degrees AoA
        • 10 degrees AoA shift changed to 15 degrees AoA, will just extend it out a bit with the same moment arm shift at that point as it was at 10 degrees AoA previously
        • 25 degrees AoA shift changed to 35 degrees AoA and adjusted to instead shift in versus shift out (-0.01 → 0.12), reducing pitching moment past 15 degrees AoA
    • wing, 0% flap deployment:
      • induced drag Mach multiplier curve linear coefficient increased from 0.2 to 0.4
        • will mean slightly reduced induced drag from M0.25 to M0.65, but increased past M0.65, increasing and decreasing retention and sustained turn rates in those respective regions (comparison)
      • moment arm will now shift slightly in from M0.3 ([0, 0] → [0, 0.01]), continuing as normal from M0.6 as previously, very slightly reducing pitching moment
    • wing, 100% flap deployment:
      • induced drag Mach multiplier curve linear coefficient increased from 0.2 to 0.4
        • will mean slightly reduced induced drag from M0.25 to M0.65, but increased past M0.65, increasing and decreasing retention and sustained turn rates in those respective regions (comparison)
      • moment arm will now shift slightly in from M0.3 ([0, 0] → [0, 0.005]), continuing as normal from M0.6 as previously, very slightly reducing pitching moment
    • wing positive overload strength reduced by 1 G ([-6.88 G / 13.93 G] → [-6.88 G / 12.97 G])
      • note that this is a bit off at speed as the canard can contribute lift in a turn, increasing the G force past what only the wing can generate
  • elevator angles controller adjustments:

    • will overall deflect less from 1000+ km/h at 10000 m
    • will overall deflect less from 400+ km/h at 6000 m
    • will overall deflect less from 700+ km/h at and below 2000 m
    • decreased sensitivity multiplier at M0.2, reducing pitch moment and surface effectiveness (1.39 → 1.1)
      • will be the same past M0.3, only really reducing how sharply it pitches from static until M0.2
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