Early as in it can be mounted on normal sidewinder rails but can’t do everything a full digitally mounted IRIS-T does, can’t be cued as air defense or shoot at targets trough DL/Some other means.
Only radar or forward cued, maybe hmd cued.
That makes sense, I’ve only read a title of a news article of it but I wasn’t really bothered reading it
Hey guys this is the first report I ever made so I don’t know if it follows the right guidelines, it’s for the Euro HUD coloring and tint. (If it was already made pls let me know)
You should also include canopy tint as well, right now in game, it’s clear as glass. But this is good bug report
Man i wish they made CAP cheaper already, i’d rather spawn in my tiger to do cas and then do some cap in the Eurofighter
its allready reported Internally
Reports for EF which are on my List
- Eurofighter - Engines should be smokeless
- DEV - Typhoon Instant Turn Rate Not High Enough
- [DEV] Praetorian DASS Should Not See Flares
- [DEV] Praetorian DASS MAWS Should Detect Burnt Out Missiles
- Eurofighter No Trackfile Retention
- Eurofighter Typhoon Countermeasure Issues 2
- Eurofighter HUD Missing EEGS
- Eurofighter Typhoon - 27mm Mauser smoke in front of cockpit
- Typhoon FGR.4 - Missing Enhanced Paveway II bomb
- 1,000 lb Mk.18 Paveway using model of 500 lb GBU-12
- Eurofighter - CAPTOR-M should track 20 targets
- Disabling the SPD in EF-2000
- Problem with target marker on hud of eurofighter in VR
- Eurofighter missing radar elevation profile MFD
- Eurofighter Typhoon missing Golden nose cone
- German Eurofighter EF-2000 skin inaccuracies
- German Eurofighter missing DM103 FAP belt
- Eurofighter cannot identify Pantsir track radar
- Eurofighters are missing Paveway II/III laser guided bombs.
- Eurofighters are missing GBU16 LGB
- Eurofighters are missing GBU-10
- Eurofighter - RCS to high (missing RCS reduction features)
- Eurofighter Typhoon missing GBU-31 JDAM
- [DEV] Eurofighter Ammo Belt optimisation
- Eurofighter - Missing Data Adaptive Scanning (priority track)
- Eurofighter Typhoon missing HOSBO
- Eurofighter are Missing UV-Filter (Internal Report)
- Eurofighter - Missing missiles do not show on radar screen
- Eurofighter - HUD missing FLIR overlay
- Eurofighter - Missing PIRATE output MFD screen
- Eurofighter - PIRATE missing passive ranging capability
- Blue Vixen & CAPTOR-M - Should have unlimited roll stabilisation
- Eurofighter - MAWS should detect type of missile
- Eurofighter - PIRATE missing track while scan mode
- Eurofighter - Radar missing Non-Cooperative Target Recognition
- Eurofighter - HMD missing SIRPH mode (pilot thermal vision)
- Typhoon FGR.4 Voice Warning System (+Subsonic VWS(Internally)
- Paveway IV/LJDAM- No time to impact countdown
- Typhoon FGR.4 - Missing 1,000 lb retarded bomb (No.117)
- Eurofighter - Lethality zones should be displayed on RWR / map
- Eurofighter - IRST lacks option to search entire field of regard
- Eurofighter - Mach limit too low
- [DEV] Eurofighter Typhoon Pylon Texturing Error
- [DEV] Eurofighter Typhoon Floating Missiles
- [DEV] Eurofighter Typhoon Gun Cover Doesn’t Disappear
- [DEV] Eurofighter Typhoon Fuselage Pylon Node Errors
- [DEV] Eurofighter Typhoon Pylon Shading Issue
- [DEV] Eurofighter Typhoon Incomplete Cockpit Lamp Illumination
- [DEV] Eurofighter Stock Loadout position should be changed
- [dev] eurofighter 2000 selfsealing fueltanks
- Eurofighter - RWR should have full spherical coverage
- Eurofighter - RWR missing K band coverage
- DEV Eurofighter missing MFDs
- [DEV] Eurofighters missing drop tanks
- [LIVE] Eurofighter Typhoon Model Gap 2
- Eurofighter - Empty Mass too high
- EF-2000 Mach Cone Offset Too Far Foward
- Typhoon FGR.4 - LWS should have full spherical coverage
- German Eurofighter name must be changed(Try Nr.2) (Info Requested → Number will be changed from 31+37 to 31+06 via Smin comment)
- [DEV] Eurofighter Typhoon Model Gap
Not a Bug
- EF-2000 (all) missing AMRAAMs on the inner-most wing pylon.
- EF-2000 (all) missing AMRAAMs on the inner-most wing pylon. (Try Nr.2)
- Eurofighter - Missing Supercruise Capability
- The Typhoon fighter missile can be 8+2
- German Eurofighter missing its TAURUS KEPD 35
- German EF-2000 Typhoon wrong naming
- [DEV] Eurofighter Typhoon Excessive Weathering
- Eurofighter - VNE (Wing Rip Speed) too low
- eurofighter cockpit texturing and lighting
- Paveway IV missing data-link
- No time to impact counter on Paveway 4 in Eurofighter (Dublicate)
- Eurofighter missing EEGS in Cockpit Sight / Head Up Display (Dublicate)
- Eurofighter - FLIR should have same angular limits as IRST
Ah nice, thanks for telling me then :D
they “changed” the radar of ef2000 and other toptiers, anybody know what this means? did they finally fix TWS?
probably a long way off from next gen missles
Hi All, could you please share your thoughts on CAPTOR-M’s performance on the Dev server and fill in the poll I’ve made:
Apparently the Eurofighter has an AoA button now. Has anyone had the chance to try it out yet?
Holy, im jumping right in, i hope to god this makes it to the Live Version
Nice, so the AOA disabler makes it so your plane doesn’t auto pitch down using the canards so you can pull more. Obviously nowhere near as good as Su-30 but without TVC im satisfied.
And the MIG 29’s are getting it as well, nice.
Oh neat, gonna try that.
Ah yes, extreme overload of checks notes normal gravity
MARTE-ER anti ship missiles, being integrated.
@Gunjob what are the chances of an report for the CANARDS to get this angle when the APU/Engine is off?