Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Aircraft could have and did have missiles if it boosted their performance in their dogfight, like the 27SM did. So again, please watch the video because you surely didn’t.

Anything ambushed is at an disadvantage, but for EFT it’s surely way less of a predicament than for others. Jettisoning your ordnance is a thing as well.

Once again, this wasn’t guns only dogfights.


Day 65 waiting for the radar fix 💤💤💤


The video footage was.

The question is would you rather have marginal performance over the best Radar the ability to carry 8 ARHM? A superior HMD?

But yes Typhoon wins in a guns fight…

They have an iir seeker I think, but It might just be for terminal guidance.

Electro-optical terminal guidance

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No, you can clearly see 27SM firing R-73s at him.

Rafale was tried with Magics and nothing has changed in favor of Rafale, so missiles were taken off the plane to give it more performance.
DEFYN literally said this in the video.

EFT wins in a dogfight, you having missiles or not doesn’t change the fact.

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did they try with micas? they perform significantly better and are one of the reasons for me flying the rafale atm

Same story.


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fair enough

i guess thats the difference between dedicated 1v1s and air rb

but i think the EF FM is definitely unfinished. at low speeds it feels like the tail is cut off idk how else to describe it

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Yeah, those two are definitely much better than your average ARB/GRB pilot, but I guess it goes to show how capable EFT truly is.
Magics/Micas could elevate Rafale’s performance in lower skill duels though.

I don’t know about the FM but radar is still buggy according to people, which definitely needs fixing.


uhhhh did gaijin change the FM?
i keep ripping my wings just pulling with mouse aim

No change in months

no, It always does that around Mach 1,2ish at low altitude since it dropped


16 A2G munitions are wortless if its laser guided.

Practically useless. If you shoot it from far away they need a over a minute flight time. You need to use them one by one. Means most matches don’t last long enough to use this anyways. Especially if you consider you won’t get into the air from matchstart. You need a while to grind the 800-900 spawn points.

6 F&F or even just 4 F&F are indefinetly worth more than 16 nonsense Brimstones. I had this with a Suchoi, stacked with KH’s. I saw it in thermal view of my Flarakrad. I observed the airspawn… So this thing spawned 15km away. I had to wait until it gets closer before I fire the Sams. Unfortnately - by then - it already fired all KH’s into the ground battlefield and banked away. Out of range all the time.

I smoked myself and tried to drive away, but IOG still got me. Despite smoke he killed me and several other player vehicles scattered across the map. Let that sink in. Spawn - shot a F&F volley - gtfo before you even get into range of enemy Sams. Kill alot player vehicles simultaneosly in no time.

Now compare this to Eurofighter gameplay where its needed to hold laserlocks, which often kills you. And you need to do it one by one. While the Suchoi player just lock’n’ shot his ordnance in a few secs. Ground maps are usually small and there’s no way to not appear on a thermal target pod.

EF really needs better A2G ordnance. And Nato nations need better SAMs. More range. Tired of getting KH’ed. There’s no counter. You can’t even counter it while camping their air spawn. The shot away hteir F&F ordnance too quickly. Its just too easymode.

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Honestly writing this paragraph shows that problem is not the Brimstone’s, its you.



Those planes really are in need of them as otherwise they’d be DoA bricks not even worth taking out, especially SM3.

It’s a question of convenience, while I disagree with the whole paragraph about brims, I can partially see the point. Eurofighter in grb is a piano. Without any anti-air present Eurofighter is the worst nightmare kind of CAS. With a couple pantsirs/strelas though… Still problematic but not as much as other jets are. Entire gameplay of eurofighter is a set of mindgames against SPAA that you’re supposed to play while defending against enemy CAS + being constantly aware that there’s no helicopters nearby.

A-10 doesn’t bother you? Why does A-10 is supposed to suck, while some soviet trashcan with wings is supposed to get treated like a toddler? I know the answer, but do you?
