Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

You can. In the air battle settings there is an option to turn-off automatically enable laser. That means you can drop as many GPS guided bombs as you have on as many different targets.

But the moment you turn on the laser to guide the bomb in the terminal phase, all bombs taht can see that laser, will start heading for it


Sadly the planes that carry R-73s are totally outclassed in the FM department to the point they don’t even get to fire them on EFT.
In the video itself he said that dude tried with Magics but soon got rid of them as they weren’t helping and just hampered the planes performance.

Su-34 better CAP than EFT, that’s some news.

In GRB you won’t have a dozen planes in a furball, so the dogfighting capabilities will be much more important.

My bad, didn’t see it also can carry PGMs.
With that, it should definitely be higher than SM3 when the decompression allows it.

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I tried that but all the bombs ended up still guiding into the same target.

There are arguments for extreme range shots tbh. I used to never waste a shot on something with low pK due to range, but it pressures them early as well, which helps considerably with getting into a better pK shot while denying them the same chance, so I’ve actually found it to be useful, particularly when playing with an inferior radar or when I absolutely dont want to get in WVR combat (as with fighting the Rafales).

If the requirement of CAP is to “find a target on radar and fire off ARH at it” then yes. Su-34 is MUCH better than the Typhoon. Heck, basically everything is. If i wanted something purely for “Finding a target on radar and slinging AMRAAMs at it” I would take the Tornado F3 not the Typhoon at the moment.

If/When the Typhoon actually gets its IRL radar. Then it will be better. Until then. Yes, even the Su-34 makes a more reliable CAP than the Typhoon.

Again… That is irrelevant. If the Rafale can isntantly find and engage a Typhoon with MICA and the Typhoon is completely blind and cant find the Rafale and therefore cannot return fire. Naturally the Typhoon will ahve an overwhelming advnatage in that fight and keep the Typhoon permamently on the defensive. Given MICA massively outclass Aim-120 as well within the ranges often seen in GRB. Then yes. Rafale is WAY better than the Typhoon as CAP within GRB

Settings > Air Battle Settings

Turn off:

Screenshot 2025-02-21 005510

If its still going for the same point. Please post a clip

Yeah. That is true. Though I still wait until the last possible moment before firing where I can.

Would be nice if every ARH launch was a guaranteed kill, but that isn’t the case.

It definitely isn’t.

You are never completely blind as RWR and MAW exist. You only have to survive to the merge and after that you’re rinsing everything, even the Rafale as showcased in the video.

So, ditch the Aim-120s, turn off the radar and fly like a Tornado. Then just defend like mad until you get visual with the rafale and then gunfight. Repeat.

To me that sounds like the Typhoon is underperforming and forced into a single strategy to be even remotely competitive

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And others are forced to kill EFT as soon as possible as getting into a dogfight with it isn’t something you want.
As said earlier, GRB has way less planes so forcing out a duel isn’t that hard.

So… F-16, Mig-29, F-15, Su-27. Doing that for months. 0 issue.

Typhoon. Major issue, must be nerfed!

Doing what ?

Winning any WVR fight with absolute ease.

Mig-29 got nerfed and Su-27’s only niche were the 27ERs that looked way better on paper than in game, as 100m MP height stopped any SARH meta from forming.

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Missiles stop the duel.
Aim9M vs MAGIC 2…good luck

It isn’t good site.

If you actually compare numbers on the graph, you’d notice that they are actually quite similar to those found on statsharks sim…


For the MICA at least, theyre just about dead on. The AMRAAM seems to underperform on statshark if the graphs are still correct, seeing as the graphs are from version and the game is currently sitting at version



It can carry 6 A2A missiles with 16-18 A2G munitions, only plane that can also carry 6 A2A missiles is Rafale but in return it can only carry 7 A2G munitions.

Typhoon still has the edge in that case.


Its true that F-15E can carry nearly as many A2G weapons, however in return it looses half of its countermeasures, becomes basically bus that cant be evade enemy SAM missiles properly and looses half of its A2A missiles.
Not to mention unlike Paveway IV’s you have to constantly lasing enemy units in order to hit them with GBU-12’s due to not having IOG+GNSS.

Its not, MICA missiles lacks quite a bit range compare to AIM-120’s and thanks to EFT’s superior flight performance you can easily beat Rafale on long distances.

As i’ve said this is the only area that EFT truely suffers.

Its not.

It can recieve Brimstone 2 with laser mode and more Paveway options but thats it.


To be fair, Meteor or other more advanced Fox-3 implementations must come along bigger maps like 2x - 3x the size now. And how long from Meteor? F-22 is in internal development (a dude on discord told me that) F-117 is the first step into stealth technology. Maybe we will see something VERY big this year’s Christmas regarding air?