Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

On UK and ITA its fixed, germany still needs to wait

At least you would just die to it suddenly unlike with the chinese helis where you see your death slowly and undodgeable approaching.

No the c-5 doesn’t have a sustainer
Only a high trust booster

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Never said it did.

iirc, it has extra fuel for its main motor which gives it about an extra 5 seconds of burn.

Screaming away at Mach jesus for 15-ish seconds.

I did a post on UK thread, but I’ll send it here as well. This thread is pretty much dead.


You call this dead? Let me tell you there is a Italian EF thread.


Well, search is over and I got nothing. The only way to prove it - direct mail to either Eurofighter GmbH or BaE systems or NETMA or Leonardo or RAF. Very sad.

correct me if i am wrong, i now the pic is blurry and its a twin seat EF but it does carry the AMRAAM missiles on the outest pylons where in game you can only fit sidewinder


It’s this jet, no, it’s not the “outest” pylon.

It might be training missile thing. I cant remember what its called, but it simulates a missile being fired electronically

That’s a pod used for measuring stuff iirc.

Or that, never can remember

It is that.


its so wierd that gaijin needs a photo of a ef with 8 amraams even though they know it can carry 8, but why would any ef irl carry 8 amraams


8x Meteors is more likely. In an engagement near active SAM sites like S400s, keeping your distance is valuable. If you need to defend against mass waves of enemy fighters, then relying on IRIS-T or ASRAAM and getting in close might not be an option. Every BVR Missile you can carry is another you can fire off at a target. Though the CAPTOR-M at least can only guide 6 at once

This is all i could find although they still “need” a real image of an actual Eurofighter sadly