Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Or that, never can remember

It is that.


its so wierd that gaijin needs a photo of a ef with 8 amraams even though they know it can carry 8, but why would any ef irl carry 8 amraams


8x Meteors is more likely. In an engagement near active SAM sites like S400s, keeping your distance is valuable. If you need to defend against mass waves of enemy fighters, then relying on IRIS-T or ASRAAM and getting in close might not be an option. Every BVR Missile you can carry is another you can fire off at a target. Though the CAPTOR-M at least can only guide 6 at once

This is all i could find although they still “need” a real image of an actual Eurofighter sadly

I think for now its not something that will be found. If it is possible, it may only be a war-time fit and so far, the Typhoons have only been deployed in anger in A2G roles.

I think its far better to focus on getting things like

  • Radar fixed
  • DASS buffed (PD MAWS, BOL overhaul, etc)
  • A2G buffed (brimstone 2s, MMW, GMTI/T. etc)
  • Finalised top speed
  • Cockpit finished

etc etc

rather than trying to find the elusive 8x AMRAAM fit. They would probably deny it for balancing reasons anyway.


Radar is mainly what I’m focused about tbf, It still acts like a placeholder. I’m guessing they will probably consider adding the “8th amraam” in the future if it lacks against something even better however I’m not trying to drag it because im not really bothered about it, but you are right.


Its basically blue Vixen from the FA2 so it basically is a placeholder, although somehow worse than the thing its C&Ped from

they may, more likely we’ll see AAM upgrades (First to Aim-120C5 then to Meteor) and its probably not until after that, if they even really care all that much about keeping parity with whatever US and USSR thing its struggling against that it may get that upgrade.

Which is insane because the Rafale gets 8x MICA 😂😂😂


Yeah… but… and playing devils advocate for a moment.

MICA are weaker at long range, though stronger at short range and the ability to spam off 8x AMRAAM at long range is a strength to be noted if we ever got that fit.

also, the Rafale can only run 8x MICA.

AMRAAM on the inner pylons would allow for 8+2 fits or 6+6 or 4+7 fits. A lot more AAMs than the Rafale.

Its frustrating the Rafale has gotten 2x buffs from later variants and the Typhoons have gotten none (3 if you consider the fact it has AESA not PESA) . In fact the Typhoon almost gotten the opposite by having the radar that preceded the CAPTOR-M in the form of the Blue Vixen and in having AGMs it never used. the Brimstone 1. But I dont think AAM count is overly an issue at the moment


I agree with you.

IMO as of now, seeing how long it’s taking them to do anything about the radar, I can’t launch any of the 120s from range. Hell I can’t even track someone from range with the radar so far lmao. The MICAs (simply by me playing against them) are far superior to the 120s in every way. :/

Yep :/
They could try to make it better by giving the German EF IRST, but that ain’t happening.
They could just add ability to take 2 more 120s, putting it up there with other 8x AMRAAM carriers.

Just hope within the next few weeks we see some updates about it. Ger has “suffered” in ARB for quite some time now and it’s getting pretty annoying lol

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Im actually having the opposite issue, at least in SIM. I can find and track targets just fine when at long range because I have time to nurse the radar into working. But when at short range, im screwed because I cant find anyone on it. Though I guess that is the advantage of HMD + ARB Markers.

Yeah, you get within their range, you are dead. You must fight from beyond their range to stand a chance.

Wont help, its useless, trust me from someone in the FGR4. Got a long way to go before its worth even mentioning.

The best upgrade that perhaps they need to consider sooner rather than later for it other than loadout stuff (aim-120C5s for example) is maybe CAPTOR-E.

I wasnt even going to advocate for it to be added until atleast a year after the Typhoon was added, but I was assuming no one would have AESA and at best early PESAs. But now… Especially if the US get top tier aircraft equipped with AESA. I dont think they will be able to delay much


I haven’t played a sim game yet, everything I say pertains to (A)(G)RB.

I’d love to if my radar could keep up with them hahaha.

You think they’d pull an ASSTA1 Tornado situation, where they’ll just give it instead of making a new vehicle to research? I guess they could make it a new vehicle, and add the C5s, but it’s so bad now they might just swap out the radar…I dunno

I can see it going either way.

Adding new aircraft with minor upgrades (like Tornado F3 to Tornado F3 Late)

Or through incremental and continuous upgrades like they did with Phantom FGR2.

I could also see the current set moving up with upgrades and the earlier version that they “skipped” added to “replace it” at 14.0

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Our best bet is hopefully Eurofighter mock up a double Meteor pylon for Turkey
Like the Rafale document was for India

I’d wish they’d released the EF2000 alone, without this killer Rafale. The game was not ready for this thing. Its super OP Radar and 8x Mica’s are just destroying AirRB. As soon as you come close, your’e dead, what nonsense is this? All you can do is to keep distance and run away, which ofc doesn’t really work the way AirRB is designed.

It would have been so nice to have a competitive jet for once. But no…the EF2000 addition had to be watered down by this Rafale folly. Micas are just sick. Even more on tiny Ground RB maps. One Rafale is already sufficient to Mica everything on these small maps in below 5 mins. I’ve seen unbelievable killfeeds. EF2000 CAS ordnance is meh as well. Its inferior in every field, Rafale stomps EF into the ground.


At least we’ll know when the Meteor’s get added, we will get 14…right?



Isn’t that a render and not a photo? I remember this one was posted here earlier in the thread and it was stated they wouldn’t accept it as it’s just a render and there are no photos of this loadout (proposed loadout called “beast mode” if my memory serves me right).

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you need to get your eyes checked if you think thats a real picture.