Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

Solid question… I don’t remember

Rafale F4 can do 4 meteor + 2 Mica or 2 Meteor + 6 Mica. No more, no less


Maybe it was F.5 then, will have to check, either way most rafales will be using 8 missiles.

that includes MICA-IR, yeah?


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sidenote, not all of those loadouts are possible.
the cruise missiles on the inner pylons would hit the landing gear

even in the illustration lmao


Yes I wouldn’t trust those tbh.

nvm it’s 8 with F.4, 6 before that lol - its worse than i remembered lmao

so ig thats like the hornet then where the super hornet adds that additional wing pylon

nah hornet gets dual racks for amraam which will make it a potent boat.

no i what i mean is that the rafale f4, just like the super hornet, adds another wing pylon

ahhh right yes, same thing

whereas typhoon starts off with its 4 + 6 | 6 + 2

officially it only flies with up to 8 missiles, not 10

so 4+4 | 6+2

the dual rack for IR missiles is mentioned in enough literature for us to receive them… atleast for the british typhoons anyway xD

well then 4+6 ig

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think you meant to link the comment below mine or the forum is doing something weird.

it links depending on what its scrolled to and then it picks the top most post in your window and i had it in the middle lol

Forum having IQ 1000 logic. Figured it was something weird like that.