Eurofighter Typhoon - Germany's Best Fighter Jet

whereas typhoon starts off with its 4 + 6 | 6 + 2

officially it only flies with up to 8 missiles, not 10

so 4+4 | 6+2

the dual rack for IR missiles is mentioned in enough literature for us to receive them… atleast for the british typhoons anyway xD

well then 4+6 ig

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think you meant to link the comment below mine or the forum is doing something weird.

it links depending on what its scrolled to and then it picks the top most post in your window and i had it in the middle lol

Forum having IQ 1000 logic. Figured it was something weird like that.

tbf i could’ve clicked the link button on the post instead of taking the link from my browser

Well welcome to one of the Eurofighter threads, enjoy your stay.


the ones weve actually seen had IRIS-T on them tho?

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F5 will probably do 4 Meteor + 6 Mica, or less likely 6 Meteor + 4 Mica, but that’s speculation

Yeah so far we’ve got two photos of the Twin Missile Carrier, and two British documents stating the maximum missile load for Eurofighter is 10. Hopefully that’s enough.


weird limit tbh

Gaijin: “picture only had 2 missiles across the 3 pylons, therefore no guarantee it can carry more, too bad, soviet russia will take its rightful place in the world”

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dont worry the FCS can handle 6 IR missiles so they cant use that arguement

the fcs should in theory handle anything


sadly not… thats not really the case for any aircraft?

Seems sensible: 4 MRAAM and 6 SRAAM (with TMC)

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A mean ASRAAM is more like a MRAAM in alot of situations haha.