EF 2000 in SIM HMD, fire extinguisher and HUD

The German EF2000 Doesnt have an fire extinguisher in real life and is lighter then the British one.

The HMD had in reeal life an IFF

The HMD and HUD dont show the Radar Targets in SIM. In Realistic, where i dont need it, its working.

Sure bud… keep yapping… xDDD


If the German typhoon didn’t have fire extinguishers (which I highly doubt) then it would likely have a ballast to keep the weight the same. The German typhoon has a ballast for the missing PIRATE. This is due to the requirement for precise weight balance for the on-board computers. (RAF even considered removing the gun but determined the gun was cheaper than a ballast)

HUD is WIP and the IFF has been reported

Again, likely a WIP issue. I’ve not got the FGR4 unlocked yet but was working fine in test flight

it also didnt have landing gear to save on weight )))

it have only a fire warning system, no extinguisher.

it has only a fire warning system with a little metal pipe that warns if the the tempreture is to high. No Extinguisher inside. There many german videos where you can see the inside an where the mechaincs show the interier. He Says “only the other typhoons does have a extinguisher, the german one had never one”

Only Metal Wires ;)