EC-665 Tigre HAC - Hélicoptère Anti Char

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G’day lads. I want to suggest an obscure EC-665 variant, which is meant to be purely against tanks, but also failed for that specific role, which was all done by the EC-665 Tigre HAC (Hélicoptère Anti Char)



The EC-665 Tigre HAC, meaning Hélicoptère Anti Char, translated to “Anti Tank Helicopter”, was a failed attempt to make a purely anti-tank focused Tiger, and choosing the HAD instead after Spain wanted them too. The HAC is similar to the UHT, the only difference being it having Mistrals and a different designation for it’s main missile, that being the TRIGAT, or also known as PARS in Germany. Sadly, it never entered production, as other multirole Tigers such as the HAD were preferred.




During 1984, the French and West German governments issued a requirement for an advanced anti-tank helicopter. The initial plan was for both countries to procure a total of 427 helicopters, with the West Germans acquiring 212 models of the anti-tank variant named PAH-2 (Panzerabwehrhubschrauber, in English “Anti-tank helicopter”), and the French wanting 75 HAPs (Hélicoptère d’Appui Protection, in English “Support and Escort Helicopter”) and 140 HACs (Hélicoptère Anti Char, in English “Anti Tank Helicopter”).

The development program was effectively canceled during 1986 due to spiraling costs. It was calculated that supplying the German forces with an equivalent number of US-produced McDonnell Douglas AH-64 Apache attack helicopters would have been considerably cheaper.

But that Apache idea didn’t last very long, as in 1987, the project was restarted, and in late 1989, five prototypes were contracted. During Le Bourget 1991, a prototype was shown (yes, it’s not a mockup, it’s a prototype, literally confirmed by the French Army). That prototype was none other than the HAC, displaying TRIGAT, Mistrals, and other weapons. It was shown during other Le Bourget events too.


However, after Spain decided to order HAD instead of HAC Eurocopters in 2003, France decided to stop any production of the aircraft, stopping any progression of it.

Oh, and it was also seen on GoldenEye (the film and game), so there’s that.




Mistral AAM

Possibly Stinger AAM

SNEB Type 23 unguided rockets

Mighty Mouse unguided rockets

20mm gunpod

12.7mm gunpod

A MLU variant was planned, giving it a mast-mounted automatic air surveillance and warning system, in the form of DAV pulse Doppler radar, together with HUMS and an IR jammer




The HAC has the main rotor diameter of 13m, a length of 15.80m and a height of 5.20m. It’s max takeoff weight is around 6300kg. It is powered by 2 MTU/Rolls-Royce/Turboméca MTM 390 1200hp engines, making it have a cruising speed of 250km/h.




Eurocopter EC665 Tigre — Wikipédia

Le Tigre

avions 194

Eurocopter "Tiger" helicopter - development history, photos, technical data



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Thanks a lot for reading! If you have any extra information, as this vehicle is quite obscure, then feel free to share them in the replies! As always, have a good day :)


Hell yeah +1


this’ll finally cause the UH Tiger to go to 11.7 so im all for it + 1
they can either upgrade to KHT or introduce it separetely to justify 12.0


btw im pretty sure the HAC could use HOT missiles since the OSIRIS sight is compatible with those. unlike the other tiger helicopters


Anything that was in James Bond is an immediate +1

Please Gaijin…


According to sources, it can carry the exact same weapons, aside now having Mistral, but I’ll hold those weapons off if I find photos of them


Same for KHT update or new heli




That first pic is a mockup btw


Copy of UHT in France. Huh? Line of leopards already copied, then uht…

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Kinda doubt it man

Mate, you can tell just by looking at it that it’s a mock-up, it doesn’t matter what some private posts on social media.

At the very least it would need hazard markings in order to be flight worthy, but there are no markings at all.

The aircraft doesn’t have a serial number on the side as every Tiger prototype did.

The wheels don’t match any of the prototypes, and there’s not even any suspension on the front wheels.

There was a prototype displayed in 1991 but this was not it.

This is the real one, PT1 (F-ZWWW)

Please dude, use some common sense.


From Airbus Helicopters Tiger: Der europäische Kampfhubschrauber

Here it’s also called a mockup

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i think its better to use this image, ill see if i have one in higher resolution

btw if ur interested check this post about the RMK-30 Tiger


ok not exactly higher reso but more color so here u go


also this image (highest reso i could find)


According to DE WIkipedia F-ZWWT is a UHT.
Then again the entire Eurocopter Tiger project is both FRA and DEU at the same time.

PT3/9823: Volle Avionik (inklusive Autopilot und Navigationssystem), Jungfernflug am 19. November 1993 als F-ZWWT. Der Umbau zum UHT begann im Februar 1997, daraufhin als PT3R bezeichnet. Im Juni 1999 Raketenstarts auf große Entfernungen, nachts und unter widrigen Sichtverhältnissen, Wüstentests auf der Bateen AB in Abu Dhabi im September 1999. Diese Maschine ist seit August 2013 im Hubschraubermuseum Bückeburg zu besichtigen.

Here an archived article showing F-ZWWT in the museum.

And here F-ZWWT in James Bond: Golden Eye (1995)

HAC and UHT are the same afaik

Also check this post to see how many versions the F-ZWWT could become

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They should be, minus Mistrals

I’ll change the image once I’m home. Thanks :)

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Because HAC never truly existed. The closest it got was PT3 but this was part of firing trials for PARS 3 LR but as far as I’m aware this was after HAC was cancelled. This was loaned to France as part of the firing trails, you can even see the original German three tone paint scheme.


Hehehe we got those too

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