Eastern vs Western CAS/SPAA Imbalance

It absolutely changes gameplay

I agree on the part about Eastern SPAA being unbalanced, but eastern CAS is not that great. Good, yes, but not the greatest. I personally just bring the f4f ICE or Mig29G into toptier matches and use that as SPAA by spamming aim120 at unsupecting people, and if i have enough SP i take the mavericks as well

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Perhaps if the aircraft is incredibly close up yes but not in reality, I’ve probably had a issue with it once whilst playing the Tor-M1.

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“inferior cas” hahahhahahhahahhahhahhahahhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahhahahhahahahhahahhahhahahhahahhahhahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhah

Yeah that why i spawn fighter with AMRAAM fast as possible to kill those Russians CAS love seeing panic SU-25 pilot when to trying hard to survive AMRAAM and die

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TPS Hydra is not a Russian main, so you must be talking about yourself.
Not sure why you think your opinions are invalidated just cause you love the Russian tech tree so much.

Not everyone can be a 10 tech tree player like myself. It took me 5 years of semi-active play to get to this point.

Any bro. I dont really care just give the US MORE spaa

Already confirmed being developed.

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Yes, the introduction of FOX-3 negates planes like the SU-25SM3 and any supersonic AGM lobbers out of the sky but Western SPAA is still severely lacking.

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I’ve hit them with 2-3 m830a1 and it just pissed them off. And as far as that cannon is concerned is one of if not the most accurate and deadly 30mm cannons available on any all helis in game. Pair that with that APDS rounds and it makes short work of most tanks. And yes, I’ve seen my whole team lighting them up with MGs and it still kept going about it’s business. Hell I have video of me hitting one 4 times with ADATS and didn’t kill it. Let’s not pretend that helicopter is in a league of is own in PVP. Luckily it at least can’t keep up with the Apaches in PVE.

US has the best cas at basically every br.

I dont know why people look at a stat card for a missile and ignore everything else.

I’d disagree, US options aren’t the best but they are quite flexible.

The biggest problem that leads to said perspective is that, they don’t have the unique airframe configurations (B-57G, F-4D, F-16C-25, F-4G etc.) or ordnance that they could have access to. and so effectively have at best solid baseline of performance across the board but nothing that really stands out.

Also the fact that basically all Strike airframes are missing key stores like, Anti-Radiation Missiles, various guided ordnance (Submunition dispensers / Cluster bombs) and alternate warheads for the modular guidance kits / rockets, doesn’t help.

If you break things down in a 1:1 store by store approach, US options are worse than their counterparts (AGM-65 / AGM-12C / GBU-8 vs Kh-29T / Kh-25L / KAB-500Kr) but that is supposedly made up by the quantity available, but then downloaded stores carriage isn’t a thing so there is no ability to derive an SP cost vs stowed kills advantage practically by design.

For example;

  • Mavericks are modeled erroneously due to game balance(cuts both ways the variants with the Electro-Optical seeker overperform significantly (3~4x what they should), and can lock onto the ground in error).
  • Targeting pods are only available outside a single premium above 12.0.
  • Large caliber rockets don’t have access to their alternate HE / HEAT warheads.
  • FAE aren’t implemented.
  • various Paveway I ordnance like the; GBU-1, -9 , -11, etc. are not implemented.
  • TCS / TISEO / ARBS / AAA-4 / AAS-15 don’t even approach what they should be capable of.
  • The AGM-114L would be unfair since Russia has yet to figure out that multi-spectral smoke is a thing.
  • A2G radar modes can’t be rolled out to more airframes for reasons.
  • IRCM / ECM pods aren’t implemented.
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While the maverick is rater ass
Wehn in hover mode it has a range of 3.5km at an altitude of 3km

Targeting pods is actually something the us is amazing at

You have the a7e with Thermal targeting pod
F16c and harrier av8b Plus with an amazing Thermal targeting pod and soon the a10c

F14b with a Thermal targeting pod that is ok. decent zoom but narrow angle so it’s difficult to find targets

And soon the f111f with a Pave Tack targeting pod hated on the f4 probably not that good but Still

They also have Amazing gimbal angles which most Russian Tracking device’s just can dream of
(Depends a bit on placement if the targeting pod is on the left wing it obliviousy is limited in Looking Right)

But in particular the Tracking device’s on su22 su17 and mig27m are extremely bad in all categories

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Its a Navigation pod (and can only be slewed by the A2G radar), but Gaijin as per usual is sitting on the report.

Its not correct, since the generation is abstracted, and that digital magnification is not modeled but that is an issue with most LITENING pods.

Should have access to the Sniper ATP or Sniper XR, for a good Targeting pod.

While it probably could be better
And there is a zoom bug which needs to be Fixed
And yea maybe could get more RL bling Bling but has far has the current game goes they are amazing

Remember auto lead and Tracking features which even the t64 had I believe
is still not modeld in-game even for the most Modern Tanks

Russia has better pure CAS, sure. But the US has much better platforms which allow for you to enage all manners of targets while having a much easier tike avoiding spaa.

Russian rwr yuck

When? If true than thats great!

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There aren’t many SHORAD vehicles like the pansir available for the western factions. You are generally better off using fighters to counter enemy cas, spaa is a secondary choice/backup. Helicopters aren’t affected unless some spaa gets a faster missile than the vt-1. Germany suffers the most in this situation, bad spaa platform and fighter