Earn the Churchill AVRE in the Operation Overlord Event!

yup pz4 f2 army joined the chat

So far we have around 150 votes

But sadly I don’t think gajin will change it


Not as long as they make money of the initial grind and the sale of coupons later.

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Can you link the poll?


No: predicted price → none, as the coupon is NON TRADABLE

It’s a MORTAR,… not a Gun,… A MORTAR

This is the most dumbest tank ever, I mean that in a positive way. Melee matches! Looking forward to playing differently and having a laugh when it goes terribly wrong or stupidly well!

D-Day did not involve the perfect and holy soviet union, no need to celebrate comrade.

You might have missed the “500k for upgrade coupon” part from the announcement that makes it tradeable.

500k… even back when i was playing this game an unhealthy amount i would still have struggled to get this stupid value. sure, being able to sell the tank should be a challenge but the 35k alone is bad enough of a grind. the 500k is not needed and vindictive.

oh, this is 2.7. That changes things.

Even going pretty hard on the 292 event, a vehicle that only required 5k points more per day for a meta vehicle in a meta nation at a meta BR compared to this piece of garbage, I didn’t get more than 400k or something, which was barely half way for the coupon… and this was playing several hours per day of course.

i think they just expect us to buy the token if we want to sell it. a way to make a bit more money from the sales of the tokens i guess.

Don’t think you can buy the coupon, you have to grind half a million points to sell if for $10 or something, no idea why they keep restricting the amount of these vehicles in the game, it benefits no one.

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35K for a vehicle that, while unique, is functionally useless?

Yeah, nah. Drop it to 10K and I’ll consider it.


Don’t you have money?


(Although this is the way intended by Gaijin)


I just tested it… Almost 30 seconds reload, max 180 meters, and it takes you forever to adjust the range

Very nice job on the model, but it’s not playable


130 on flat ground Max range. Gonna be useless