Earn the Churchill AVRE in the Operation Overlord Event!

100m, I think. But I don’t really care, it’s fun to play and that’s more important. If the Sturmtiger can have a fantasy 40 seconds autoloader, this little fella can have the range it needs to be fun 😁

Its low tier so its premium but if it was mid-high it would be event,

You realise 100m is haf of the first notch of the cross-hair right? Its armour isn’t that good

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Good to finally see it but there’s too much track all over the place, looks like a complete mess.

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Low tier event vehicles have always been premium. The high tier ones are almost always stock.

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35k Points per Task for a rank 2 vehicle justified?

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Yes I do and it is 4.0 armor at 2nd rank, plus extra tracks on top, I don’t think it will be that much of a problem. Plus it is event vehicle, so no big deal if it doesn’t work that good.

Yeah, but will it qualify as event vehicle for future event grinds?

but like you undarstand that’s max range so you will have to fully elevate your gun hit tank standing next to you

It should. The other low tier ones work for it.

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That’s why I’m sure they’ve given it an ahistorical range buff, like the Sturmtiger has an ahistorical loading buff.

Best underrated part is that we’re finally getting the 79th Armoured Division’s badge

more like stompjas in swedish tech tree lol but avre is so similar british churchill with stompjas added

500k point only for tradeable voucher which is rank 2 tank?

really gaijin


I hope so but i dont see any mentions about that in the devblog

We already have it.

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How did I genuinely not notice lmao It was only available for a limited time back in 2017 and I missed it.

You know what, I’m okay it’s a ground reward this time

They could have added a workable gun.

Dude, the AVRE was inevitable and expected addition and event is perfect for it. If you think you won’t like playing it, just don’t grind it.