So in a round, i was driving next to a otomatic in a bmp2. When all of a sudden the otomatic got killed by someone and it ammoracked. And for some reason the ammorack killed me, but it didint even count as a double kill for the guy that killed the otomatic, it just looked as if i J’d out. Worst of all after i left the game (becuse i lost all my tickets that way) i had a 5 minute penalty as if i killed myself. This is some really nonsense stuff here
If you could remember, how’s the kill message looked like? His name killing the otomatic name with a specific ammo symbol and mg symbol for also killing you, or his name killing otomatic name and your name death by suicide?
Replay would tell you what happened - go look at it.
Well it looks just like that, no kill indication just “been wrecked”
No it really dosent tell me anything, just shows the otomatic dying and me suddenly dying too
This was added in a patch in the past year or 2.
The only results I can get from google are wtmobile ones, but it definitely is a thing.
Ive had this happen to me too, the kill feed showed like I had held J. this probs should be fixed asap
Pretty sure it’s intentional.
Seems like the system f this one up, your death symbol is the same one used for J’d out or blows up when you are in the restricted area and time runs out, this death type count as suicide and is subjected to crew lock lol
The last time I had a double kill was so long ago, iirc the kill feed looks like this
My name “apfsds” enemy name
My name “mg bullet” enemy name
Got a double kill, I don’t remember the rest as this is a super rare event
Added in a previous patch, it’s intentional…
Tactical spacing and all that jazz.
But why crewblock me for it
Why’d you bail out as soon as you died, or last as short as you did?
You must’ve had something else in that lineup of yours, or do you follow the advice of those who say a light tank and plane are all you need…
No, i died in a t72 before that. The bmp2m was my backup. And i died in it too, no points dude
In 4 minutes, I’d say you need plan more or something…
Also be aware, that when you die, you could still get some scouting or assists in the interim and you could end up with more SP…
They should undo this patch, this will encourage players not to help repair lmao
My skill issue is unrelated to this post why do you ad hominem at a wt forum
I died due to the consequences of an enemy shooting. its a kill
Not that one, it’s a death from the explosion of others.
Not in the slightest… It’s fine.
yea but the explosion was because of a frag. Id prefer my death due to that also go to them instead of confusing the hell out of my squad over why I J’d out
It’s not confusing because now you know why it’s happening…
You can let them know.