save that initial confusion if youre being pedantic then. while also shortening thee grind for the guy that did technically kill me
You need to work on your aim, you missed the point by a mile.
The problem wasn’t so much people getting killed by team mates exploding beside you but rather recieving a crew lock since the game decided you just exploded ( J’d out ) So getting an unfair punishment for something you didn’t cause by J’ing out is the issue and should be fixed, or as previously said, give the initial person who cause the OTOMATIC to explode the kill ( count as double kill )
Imagine a 500 kilo powder bomb going off next to a 2mm sheet of aluminum…
That’s gonna go real well 😒
Don’t blame me for reading the patch notes…
Well, the crew lock is nothing to do with this then.
That’s another reason all together.
if problem caused by thing. thing is cause of problem
It’s part of an update, and the only reason you think it’s a problem is because you died to it.
The crew lock is nothing to do with why this has happened, it’s only why the player is upset at this eventuation.
well yes. The problem has affected me, didn’t give kill credit to anyone and wasted a spawn of mine
Cool… Working as intended.
either youre intentionally dense or not getting the issue here. Uncredited kill + risk of unjustified crew locks, the change has caused a worse experience in the game
Don’t be insulting me just because you are upset.
It’s a patch that I remember because it should make people consider everyone about them and wonder if they could be better off spreading out…
The crew lock has literally nothing to do with this as it’s a consequence of the players choice.
A players mistake lead to that player dying to the acts of an enemy. give the enemy the kill credit, simple as
No, the players mistake is being so low in SP to not be able to spawn again, and not carrying something so low SP to keep spawning, along with dying 2 times in 4 minutes…
ok you just genuinely don’t understand the issue
I’m sorry you can’t think of these scenarios, but it’s not a reason to try insinuate I’m dense…
Don’t be insulting.
I was sitting next to a Tor-M1 in my HQ17 and the same situation happened.
I feel like it is more of a code limitation. The game sees you die but it sees that it was due to a friendly tank. It has two options, give a teamkill or count it as a bail.
For the best it doesnt give a teamkill. But i feel like they could to tag it to what killed the friendly. Although i bet that would lead to a bug where people end up getting credit for random kills.
Just gaijin things.