Dutch and Belgian Aircraft are Joining the French Tree!

Way more people play Italy now compared to before the Hungarian sub tree. Some of my friends who have been playing this game for many many years were convinced to start the tree when the Hungarians were added.

Based on what? The Hungarian tree didn’t add that much of interest, I doubt people are flocking to Italy to play a ZSU, BTR or T-72… the KF41 is the only thing kinda interesting and that’s way too far down the tree for people to realistically try and get it, especially with how horrendous Italy top tier is ever since they were added with a high pen round as their only gimmick, an advantage that is long gone… then they got a warkit that is made out of 5t of mountain air and is worse protection than a literal piece of wood.

I keep saying it, you sound so aggravated by the game that it might be healthy to take a break from it. If you find an event too grindy, vote with your feet and ignore it. I’ve done some and ignored others based on my preferences. It’s an optional experience.

Haven’t played the game in weeks, doesn’t change anything about the state of the game or the grind, I have just been playing this game a whole lot longer than you are it seems and what seems like minor inconveniences to you are just the 10th time I’m seeing the cycle repeated.

Okay, just found out F-16AM MLU should have 8 flare buckets, or 240 flares.
2 fuselage mounted.
6 in pylons.

Interesting unique F-16 being added.

The forums, Reddit, and social media are an echo chamber that represents an incredibly minute portion of the player base. Most people log in, play for a couple hours, and never look at the forums or Reddit once. That includes some of my friends who’ve been playing since 2013…

So yes, there are people who are upset, as is the case basically every time Gaijin does anything, but for the average player this will just result in having more options in a tech tree that’s not as popular as the big ones.

I’m sure we’ll see other options filling out that gap. It’s just a matter of time.

It made the early ranks more fleshed out. I think the Turan especially was the biggest draw in terms of playing competitively at the early ranks.

There are two sides to this coin.

A veteran player who understands that lineups win matches, might be reluctant to start grinding a minor tree because it will be less competitive at many BRs than what they are used to. Most of the friends I have in WT have been playing since way before me, so this is the dynamic I saw first hand for the most part. “Cool, now I can grind Italy without having the added handicaps.”

No one likes to be punched in the face, as it turns out.

A newer player doesn’t really know any of this of course. However, here’s what I’ve personally seen. I’m Italian, and when I see a fellow Italian start playing WT, it’s fairly typical for them to try the Italian tree first. Then they get punched in the face, so they go ask a more seasoned player for advice, and they’re told “it’s not a tree for beginners, try a friendlier one like Germany or USSR”. And even that dynamic has started to change with the addition of Hungary.

Not everyone lives for top tier.

But you haven’t really taken a break from it mentally, or you wouldn’t be here arguing about it.

I don’t know, it just seems weird to me. If something doesn’t bring me joy, I devote my free time to things that make me feel good.

and they’re told “it’s not a tree for beginners, try a friendlier one like Germany or USSR”. And even that dynamic has started to change with the addition of Hungary.

I still wouldn’t recommend Italy to new players because of a Turan and with a dead end at top tier whilst still suffering from minor nation balancing issues.

Not everyone lives for top tier.

So even less reason to play Italy when top tier is where a lot of the more unique vehicles are, you don’t play Italy for the Shermans, M18s, M26, M24, Stugs, M47, M109s and whatnot.

But you haven’t really taken a break from it mentally, or you wouldn’t be here arguing about it.

I’m on the WT forum talking about WT, please stop trying to spin some dumb narrative, it’s getting old really quick.

i have little to no objections to this decision
especially if it means we might get Dutch ships in the disgustingly neglected French Bluewater tree

Oh, it still needs more work, for sure. Namely, more Italian vehicles, more Hungarian vehicles, and even more sub trees. But I’m sure it’ll come. War Thunder does things in steps over a prolonged period of time, but if a vehicle was built, it’ll come to the game. So, no issue.

Eh, it has other highlights.

You can play it for the 90/53, which is pretty cool. For the Turan, which is basically a better Pz IV. For the Fiat 6614 and the R3, very fun vehicles (the former of which a nuke machine).

You can play it for the OF-40, the Leopard 40/70, and the AUBL.

Even at Rank VI, you can have a lot of fun with the Centauro.

Though the ideal objective is to make every tree fun at every BR, it’s also not an issue if a tree isn’t strong absolutely everywhere. Germany lacks strong top tier air, but the rest of the air tree is pretty lit. There’s plenty in Italy that looks interesting even if they’re not there yet at top tier, something that will change once they get the Leo2A7HU.

I look forward to the addition of the Romanian Maresal at some point in the future.

What else do you expect people to respond when you rant about the 35k points for the AVRE and say playing the game is like eating mold? What other possible response is there beyond, it sounds like you aren’t having fun and maybe it isn’t for you?

Oh, it still needs more work, for sure. Namely, more Italian vehicles, more Hungarian vehicles, and even more sub trees. But I’m sure it’ll come. War Thunder does things in steps over a prolonged period of time, but if a vehicle was built, it’ll come to the game. So, no issue.

They do things slowly, very very slowly… if at all, yes.

You can play it for the 90/53, which is pretty cool. For the Turan, which is basically a better Pz IV. For the Fiat 6614 and the R3, very fun vehicles (the former of which a nuke machine).
OF-40, the Leopard 40/70, and the AUBL.

A lot of works to get to some of the later vehicles just for some fun when it’s ultimately just not a great tree… at least the Turan is still lower than the overtiered Chi-Ri, although the OF is just a Leopard and the Aubl is a miserable vehicle, not to mention how hard the HVG has been nerfed into oblivion once they made the money from the event and it was discarded.


What else do you expect people to respond when you rant about the 35k points for the AVRE and say playing the game is like eating mold?

Not even remotely what I said, I’m saying copy paste vehicles are not a carrot on the stick, which is how the game is designed.

Confirmed unique Benelux additions [model/weapons/etc]:
Mirage 5BA, F-16AM MLU, Fokker G1, Firefly MkIV, Gladiator Mk1, Spitfire LF MkXIVe.

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Thank god one more nation gets an f16…

The 1997 founded Eurospike GmbH a Joint Venture from Diehl BGT Defence, Rheinmetall respectively 40 Percent shares and Isreali Rafael with 20 Percent shares. If you really want to know. So country is wrong. if you would specify who invented it , it would be a different story. But you didn’t.

Any other questions ? I’m sure we can educate some more here.

The BeNeLux can be its own tech tree their are completed tech trees for ground, aviation and even naval.

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probably for the same reason you just got a Canadian tank. There’s no rhyme or reason. Especially when Canada should have its on tech tree in another nation.

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An F-16 no other tech tree has.

I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t reply to you, and I didn’t quote the guy in the above message I just deleted. This forum as adding crap to my posts after I submit the post. At least it was relevant to your post. I didn’t know it was one no one else has.

The above comment I submitted quoted an entire different person I wasn’t even replying to lol.

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Because it’s literally a grouping of nations called the Benelux. Whichever tree it goes to should get all 3. It’s not the BeLux or NeLux or BeNe, it’s the BeNeLux nations. No different from commonwealth nations. Not to mention, 2 of the 3 have much stronger ties to France than ever did they to Germany. While the 3rd is close enough.

Benelux has nothing to do with anything military however, it’s just snail grouping them together like this, there is no logical reason they should remain as a group of 3 and why the Dutch ground forces being ripped out of Germany so they can copy paste more Leopards into France.

it has cultural relevance, the exact way they have used to integrate other nations equipment. Everyone loved hopping on Britain mains crying over the Canadian Leo. I for one am glad Germany got a taste of the “same” treatment with piss poor reasoning not benefiting them. While I do agree with you to some extent, I’m glad to see the bad takes handed out equally.

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Not slowly at all, considering that they do more in a single year than some AAA devs get done in a development cycle to then sell for 80 bucks.

There’s a reason why WT is one of the most long-lived and most successful MMOs ever.

Because Italy should have never been an independent tree. But it’s gotten better with Hungary and will get better still later on.

If we can’t condense tech trees into one another, the next best available option is to consolidate them, which is what they’ve been doing.

A better one.

I’ve seen a friend of mine get enough nukes in the thing to know the problem isn’t the vehicle.

Let me clarify. Some of the things you said, like for example

… make it sound like you’re actively not enjoying the game. Now, it’s one thing to discuss whether you and I prefer this or that solution to this or that feature in the game, but it’s obvious that if your outlook on the game is overwhelmingly negative overall, you’re also going to feel negative about a sub tree.

God, please no. We already have too many independent tech trees in the game. I strongly support more nations being added, but no more independent trees.

Once again, BRD and DDR vehicles are in the same tree. The game doesn’t group vehicles like IRL. Otherwise we’d still have locked matchmaking.


If you are being specific to the exact configuration as will be presented (we don’t yet know the exact ordnance fitout and there are a few potential options which may constrain things) The US, and maybe the Swedish / German / Italian Tech Tree (via future sub trees) may be able to get equivalents or close counterparts in the future from a few client nations as the MLU / OCU was fairly widely used (or if they properly modeled the -ADF) .

Not slowly at all, considering that they do more in a single year than some AAA devs get done in a development cycle to then sell for 80 bucks.

Lmao what?

Because Italy should have never been an independent tree. But it’s gotten better with Hungary and will get better still later on.

So more than half a decade later we’re still waiting for it to get good, Japan taking even longer and has been overtaken by Sweden in a few years for what it’s been waiting for for close to a decade.

A better one.

Negligible difference not worth grinding a tree for.

I’ve seen a friend of mine get enough nukes in the thing to know the problem isn’t the vehicle.

Really solid argument there lol…

make it sound like you’re actively not enjoying the game.

Just sounds like I’m critical of the game and it’s design and you’re trying to make it something it’s not for whatever reason.