Dutch and Belgian Aircraft are Joining the French Tree!

Yeah, if you want to progress the tree…

What I think is that players who start the tree now will have less of a difficult time grinding through it. Just like Hungary made grinding Italy much nicer.

The repetitiveness can be a bit boring, but at the same time, you’re never forced to actually play them. You can research them and then leave them unspades and unplayed forever in order to focus on what you like instead.


Made a little meme to summarize this update lmao
When will germany actually get something decent for top tier air?(never i know)


I promise, we’re not all like this.

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Personnally, this subtree may help french air tree to fill more plane for the BR 4.0-7.0 where there aren’t many. But for the jets I find it mostly useless even if I can see the use of the Hunter F.6 and Mirage 5BA for the BR 9.3-10.0 but for the other aren’t needed at all.

West German and East German vehicles that would have been shooting at each other are in the same tree, Italy has Warsaw Pact vehicles, so that’s neither here nor there.

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What I think is that players who start the tree now will have less of a difficult time grinding through it. Just like Hungary made grinding Italy much nicer.

There are just a bunch more things to grind through, extending the grind.
I don’t see how Hungary made it much nicer either, the ground has no added value.

The repetitiveness can be a bit boring, but at the same time, you’re never forced to actually play them. You can research them and then leave them unspades and unplayed forever in order to focus on what you like instead.

You’re still spending hours/days/weeks unlocking something you do not want to have, which is the whole carrot on the stick system this game hinges on, except there’s no carrot but just moldy leftovers from last week on a stick, but you have to get it, and then spend a lot of silver on it just to get the things you do actually want.

When they design one? It shouldn’t be too long before they get their own subtree or trial / Brochure variants to fix the issue.

The Typhoon is still some ways off though.

I never understood this logic.

If your objective is getting to top tier as fast as possible, just play Japan, done.

And yet most of the players in the game, an overwhelming majority in fact, play the Big Three, the most populated trees and therefore the ones with the longer grind. So what, are they all masochists?

I think you’re just overlooking the fact that having nice fat lineups and many smaller research steps is actually nicer most of the time. People don’t seem to enjoy lineups with two or three vehicles with a big void above and below.

That has to be acknowledged for the conversation to even make sense. It is inarguable that the distribution of the player base is extremely uneven.

I don’t know man. I play WT because I have fun. If I wasn’t having fun to the point that I compared it with eating mold, I’d stop playing and do something else… It’s fine to not like something anymore.

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Maybe I’m wrong but they ad the line as a separated column so if you don’t want to play Benelux tree you can skip it.

Actually, and sorry if I was rude, I have unlocked and almost spades ALL the french TT (Air, ground and sea) and I’m happy with this sub-tree bringing F-16 experience without grinding other trees (I’m around rank III on each nation so lower rank aircraft aren’t a trouble)


There’s no fun in the game if you just grind through everything. I suggest playing the vehicles you unlock. If you have already played them in another tech tree, then that’s on you. Most people in this game stick to one or two nations at most. You would need Hundreds or Thousands of hours in this game to completely get several nations to top tier (tanks AND planes). There’s no enjoyment if a tech tree only has little planes to choose from.

That seems very harsh. If you don’t like the play experience you can always stop. BeNeLux is a sub tree, hopefully it will be separated enough so you won’t have to research it to reach rank VIII, but if you need 5 planes per rank researched you might get into a problem at rank VII.

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I never understood this logic.

If your objective is getting to top tier as fast as possible, just play Japan, done.

I don’t think if that’s even true as they just increase RP requirements to extend the grind or whatever.

I think you’re just overlooking the fact that having nice fat lineups and many smaller research steps is actually nicer most of the time. People don’t seem to enjoy lineups with two or three vehicles with a big void above and below.

That has to be acknowledged for the conversation to even make sense. It is inarguable that the distribution of the player base is extremely uneven.

Which half the time isn’t even addressed with new vehicles when they’re placed at illogical and useless BRs, these latest BR changes with separation of air and ground for planes has a ton of planes go to 10.7, an almost entirely barren BR range with maybe 5-6 vehicles placed at this BR, or in other words literally has no impact to place a formerly US 11.0 jet at 10.7 when there is no lineup.

The problem with minor nations is how they’re poorly managed, and how snails stupid calculations always screw them over by not considering the lower player numbers and above average skill level, and then they lie to your face about it and say that they do consider it.

Playing Japan sucks because of the lineup options as you say, but a lot of those are consequences from poor balancing at the hands of snail, making half the tree just overtiered and you’re playing vehicles that would be a full BR lower in a different tree, so you have to work twice as hard for the same outcome… which is really what sucks about minor nations… then getting a bunch of boring copy paste vehicles doesn’t resolve that and just makes them look even more boring to new players because literally nobody gets excited about that.

I don’t know man. I play WT because I have fun. If I wasn’t having fun to the point that I compared it with eating mold, I’d stop playing and do something else… It’s fine to not like something anymore.

Yeah, let’s pretend people aren’t trying to progress a tech tree and that isn’t in fact the design of the game.

Actually, and sorry if I was rude, I have unlocked and almost spades ALL the french TT (Air, ground and sea) and I’m happy with this sub-tree bringing F-16 experience without grinding other trees (I’m around rank III on each nation so lower rank aircraft aren’t a trouble)

Yeah but you’re already playing the tree, it’s a lot different if you weren’t already and have to grind through a whole tree to get an F-16 when you would have that already in a different tree and thus it’s not an incentive.

There’s no fun in the game if you just grind through everything. I suggest playing the vehicles you unlock. If you have already played them in another tech tree, then that’s on you. Most people in this game stick to one or two nations at most. You would need Hundreds or Thousands of hours in this game to completely get several nations to top tier (tanks AND planes). There’s no enjoyment if a tech tree only has little planes to choose from.

At lower tiers it requires little to not time to get through them, and even there you’ll find a substantial amount of copy paste, and you get rank lll in a nation in no time at all.

And not everyone is aiming to play WW2 tier stuff, if that’s your jam than cool, if you want to play later WW2, cold war or more current era you don’t want to just play the vehicles you unlock as you’ll never get there.

That seems very harsh. If you don’t like the play experience you can always stop. BeNeLux is a sub tree, hopefully it will be separated enough so you won’t have to research it to reach rank VIII, but if you need 5 planes per rank researched you might get into a problem at rank VII.

It’s a CTRL - C, CTRL - V tree at the moment and then we wait until they dump all the Dutch/German Leopards onto France.

France doesn’t need it either. It’s already as big as Germany. Not to mention that
A) The Dutch players are extremely displeased by going under France from what I’ve seen.
B) Germany could really use some additions in their dead end air tech tree.
Gaijin literally created lose - lose - lose situation.

So you’re saying that having fewer vehicles in a tree will not shorten the grind, ergo your objection about sub trees making the grind longer is not a thing? Good enough for me.

Suppose this interpretation is correct: in that case, more players will average out the values and result in better BRs. One more benefit of sub trees.

But what does that even mean? If I’m playing a single player game it’s to get to the end, sure, but if I absolutely hate the gameplay, I’m going to quit the game, right?

When you play a game, you’re focused on the experience, progression is something that happens naturally while you play.

If I didn’t actually enjoy being in matches, I wouldn’t force myself to do it just because I have to grind. WT is not a job.

So you’re saying that having fewer vehicles in a tree will not shorten the grind, ergo your objection about sub trees making the grind longer is not a thing? Good enough for me.

Like I said I don’t know if it does, fewer vehicles can have increased RP requirements or higher rank requirements, just look at how atrocious naval or helicopter progression is, 400k RP for some garbage tier helicopter that is a copy paste of the previous helicopter and BR 8 or something.

Doesn’t say anything about more vehicles not making the grind longer however.

Suppose this interpretation is correct: in that case, more players will average out the values and result in better BRs. One more benefit of sub trees.

Only no one cares about this, if you want France to get more players you need to give France more domestic and unique designs worth playing, no one is going to play France now because they have a Spitfire.

When you play a game, you’re focused on the experience, progression is something that happens naturally while you play.

There is nothing natural about the grind in WT… the game that wants 35k points for a useless rank ll meme vehicle.

This a very mixed response: People that only care about the current Dutch military stuff are indeed very unsatisfied with this solution, however some Dutch people I spoke to wanted to be in Sweden more than Germany. They would have to do a Canadian-type addition to split Dutch vehicles over different tech trees. Fokker planes should never go to Germany, except for captured ones. The other option is to add the dutch to one specific Tech Tree, in this case France.

Their Government didn’t see the need for big-budget air plane purchases, now they must be bailed out by foreign additions. 1990s+ Dutch planes might solve this, but so could Argentine, Swiss or others for that matter (and they are less controversial to add to GER for that matter).

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Like I said, having smaller steps is an appeal of the Big Three.

Way more people play Italy now compared to before the Hungarian sub tree. Some of my friends who have been playing this game for many many years were convinced to start the tree when the Hungarians were added.

Same has happened to Sweden.

It will take time to make the other trees closer in appeal to the Big Three, and Israel may be a lost cause, but it will happen.

I keep saying it, you sound so aggravated by the game that it might be healthy to take a break from it. If you find an event too grindy, vote with your feet and ignore it. I’ve done some and ignored others based on my preferences. It’s an optional experience.


I can attest to this, I know several people that did exactly this.

Also visible on WT data project.

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