Dutch and Belgian Aircraft are Joining the French Tree!

Belgium and the Netherlands share (command over) the Benelux airspace, same goes for their navies
Luxembourg just tags along

Dutch integration/deep cooperation with the Bundeswehr is something very recent, something that even post-dates German reunification. Arguably we’ve used a lot of German equipment, but the same thing can be said about American, British, French or even Swedish equipment.


Belgium and the Dutch in France… but what an insult again.
We are really tired of seeing “new nations” merging with others without respecting their own historical identity.

Under the pretext that one country sold equipment to another, they will therefore be merged together? So Gaijin will merge the 197 countries into the 9 Nations of the game?

Do not forget: the Royal Belgian Army, although close brothers to France, has always favored USA, Italian and German equipment.
The Dutch don’t even talk about it…

In this case… When will the Ukrainian units (with a flag) be in the Russian tree ?

Please, stop this and make single trees for all nations without mixing
Please, respect nations, their histories and their flag.

👎 I don’t approve of that!

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I shit on this game a lot and it’s stupid decision but it takes comments like these to remind me of stuff like that. Thank you lol

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Look at what CoD does and get back to me.

As I said, Italy should have never been an independent tech tree. It was a mistake. Let’s not even bring Israel into the conversation.

The players are not innocent in this, by the way. More tech trees are requested all the time, even though they’ve always been a terrible idea. Some of those requests are being repeated in this very thread.

However, you cannot honestly say Italy right now is remotely comparable to what it was at launch.

They’re obviously doing them one at a time. We had Sweden, then Italy, then France. Not sure if China or Japan next, but obviously the rotation will continue.

Subjective opinion which, judging by the increase in Italy players, clearly many people don’t share.

It is. Do you think it’s a coincidence that light vehicles keep going up in BR? In a game based on capture points and pinpoint accuracy, mobility and RoF are the meta. All the more so given the connection to flying.

That’s my point, you don’t sound like you’re critical of the game but like you’re pissed off at it and feel forced to play parts of the game you’re not interested in.

Usually criticism in a leisure context is about stuff that can be done better in a product you otherwise enjoy overall.

I don’t know about you, but if I’m watching a TV show and I think it’s hot garbage, I drop it. If a book is crap, I DNF it. Same with a game.

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Dutch integration/deep cooperation with the Bundeswehr is something very recent, something that even post-dates German reunification

Considering this is primarily about Leopards and such the recent part is more relevant, as we’re not talking about Dutch WW2 tanks.

I think you’ll find sympathies running a bit short when the ground tree is what it is. Unless you purely play air.

there’s more to the game than a bunch of Leopards


Not really, The game spans from 1912 to 2025/27 haha.


Top tier syndrome.

1906 if we’re being pedantic

oh, which ship is that?

Dreadnought and Ikoma were commisioned in 1906

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Look at what CoD does and get back to me.

No idea… Call of Duty has released more than 10 games in the period WT has been around.

The players are not innocent in this, by the way. More tech trees are requested all the time, even though they’ve always been a terrible idea. Some of those requests are being repeated in this very thread.

Players request everything and nothing, every feature has been requested to be added and for it to be removed, ultimately it’s snail that is responsible for adding things that are worthwhile additions to the game, as much as they want to shift the blame to the players as well.

They’re obviously doing them one at a time. We had Sweden, then Italy, then France. Not sure if China or Japan next, but obviously the rotation will continue.

Sweden is already far superior to Japan in a few years whilst Japan has been in a sorry state for the better part of the decade.

Subjective opinion which, judging by the increase in Italy players, clearly many people don’t share.

I’m not seeing the increase, and if there is, the OF-40 isn’t the reason.

It is. Do you think it’s a coincidence that light vehicles keep going up in BR? In a game based on capture points and pinpoint accuracy, mobility and RoF are the meta. All the more so given the connection to flying.

Well my dad’s friend’s uncle’s son said otherwise.
Light vehicles go up in BR because of snails inability to create a damage model for them that works and instead rewards no armor best armor that makes a milktruck more survivable to modern MBTs than modern MBTs.

Aubl isn’t a good vehicle by any means however and the HVG even worse.

That’s my point, you don’t sound like you’re critical of the game but like you’re pissed off at it and feel forced to play parts of the game you’re not interested in.

Again you’re making things up, just drop this dumb narrative if you want to continue the conversation, this was getting old an hour ago and repeating it again and again isn’t helping.
I can be critical of a game design choices without having to stop playing the game.

Okay, because the Dutch played such a major role in WW2 and the cold war? It has nothing to do with the scope of the game but rather what vehicles of value can be added to the game as a result of this, which will mostly be modern vehicles as stated.

I disagree, even if the dutch lost their entire mainland AF quite fast, they were still part of the war effort, whith many unique planes that would prove a great addition to the game. They also continued the war effort in the British and Australian AF respectively.

That’s… the point.
You can access most of the content that gets added to WT for free. CoD will ask you for a full AAA price every two years in exchange for much less than what gets added to WT in a year.

They’ve never blamed the players for asking for tech trees. And I do agree that the final decision was theirs, so it was still a mistake. But let’s also not pretend that the devs don’t follow trends of interest. There is an order of magnitude between requests for new trees and many other silly requests.

At the cost of sounding like a broken record, if it was built, it’ll come to the game. So Japan will get a nice big injection of content too. Probably soon.

You were literally given a link to Data Project by Thomas_Belgium earlier in the thread.

No, you’re right: it’s because of the Hungarian sub tree injecting content and filling gaps. Which is what I’ve been saying all along.

While talking about players I know may be anecdotal, the increase in BR for light vehicles across every tech tree and rank of the game is factual.

That’s certainly a factor but by no means the main one, because surviving shots doesn’t net you that much extra score. Mobility is by far the largest factor. Everything else cascades from there.

Literally just responding to stuff you’re saying, buddy.

Sure, but that has little relevance in the game, which isn’t about history but about military vehicles, and the main ones that will be added through the Dutch will be the Leopards which should have been part of Germany and not France.

The new line:

new symbols for Dutch WW2 and cold war roundels.


That’s… the point.
You can access most of the content that gets added to WT for free. CoD will ask you for a full AAA price every two years in exchange for much less than what gets added to WT in a year.

Seems pretty subjective, 10 full games is a lot more than just adding some vehicles to the game, no idea how you come to the conclusion that snail adds content to the game every year that is greater than what an entire CoD game offers.

At the cost of sounding like a broken record, if it was built, it’ll come to the game. So Japan will get a nice big injection of content too. Probably soon.

Well, maybe this should have come like 5 years ago and people would have actually still been playing the tech tree and not have everyone play the big 3 as they’re the only trees not neglected and have some semblance of reasonable balancing not completely ruined by the incompetent managing of statistics and data that fail to account for the userbase that has things like the Chi-To be a full BR higher than a Panzer IV for no reason, not even mentioning the ridiculous situation of the Type 87s or 89.

You were literally given a link to Data Project by Thomas_Belgium earlier in the thread.

Yeah somehow Thunderskill data only worth talking about when it works in favor of someone’s argument, either way it doesn’t really show anything and just posting a link to something isn’t proof of anything.

August vs October with Hungary added in September… so where is this increase?


No, you’re right: it’s because of the Hungarian sub tree injecting content and filling gaps. Which is what I’ve been saying all along.

Aside from the Turan there is nothing that really helps the Italian tree all that much, and the Italian tree was already solid around that BR when you have M24s, Shermans, Stugs, Panzer IV, 90/53 where the Turan struggles to pair with the solid 3.7 lineup as a 4.0.

The BTR and 2S1 are not meta vehicles, the T-72 is DOA at 9.3 and Italy was not a lacking lineup to begin with at that range with the Centauros, Leopards, OF-40s and VBC.

While talking about players I know may be anecdotal, the increase in BR for light vehicles across every tech tree and rank of the game is factual.

In general BRs increase a lot more than they decrease I bet.

That’s certainly a factor but by no means the main one, because surviving shots doesn’t net you that much extra score. Mobility is by far the largest factor. Everything else cascades from there.

Surviving shots is everything, especially if you have a reload advantage where trading shots nets you the advantage, it’s the whole reason the Type 90s are at 11.0 when they’re a 10.3 vehicle at best.

Mobility is less and less a thing when more and more things are mobile, back in the day an R3 was crazy but now you just run into other go-karts that counter your go-kart.

Yay! The G.I is incredibly cool, and it’ll be nice to have a tech tree Spitfire Mk XIV! Hopefully the D.XXI appears here later too, odd it’s not included right away.

Also looking forward to the eventual Ground tree, ideally with some neat stuff like the Belgian T.15. :)


@Stona_WT As an aside, it should be G.I, with a roman numeral, not “G.1”. Like the D.XXI we already have in WT. Edit: I just saw it’s named correctly in-game, per the dev stream, sorry for the tag.

Internal consistency goofs like this are unfortunately very common in WT, but hopefully this one can be fixed before it goes live.