Drones remain useless in Ground RB

Drones do not move fast enough for this to be viable that’s why there’s zero repair cost you’re meant to J out after firing your ATGMs.

theyre funny to use if you have nothing else to do, and i do not think its all that worth helping teammates, so yknow i have a little fun with them

They’re completely useless in their current state.

funny =/= useful!

Any one can see there are clear problems, but why is the spawn point so damn high, the chinese one can be exchanged for at least two MBTs unless you have spawn more than 3 already. The fact that it is more expensive than fully loaded CAS is ridiculous. A JH7A with full load out and have flares whilst being cheaper even at second spawn is ridiculous.

good the moment they add drones that are useful im leaving

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Then use that instead.

You dont have to use drones. They are there for people who want to do cas but dont want grind planes.

If they want good cas, they should grind out planes.

Drones are unusable in their current state. It’s not a “want” for increased efficacy it’s a want for functionality.

Drones were added at 9.7 back in the day did you just not play for 2 years

I meant fps drones. You know the type of drones that go boom

I doubt Gaijin will model kamikaze drones at least not before NLOS and CIWS becomes a standard part of high tier.

The last few times i used drones, i got kills. Not sure how they are unusable if people can use them to get kills.

Yadda yadda

Sometimes I drop a nuke sometimes I die twice without a kill and get sent to the hanger.

Yes, having bad luck or a bad play doesnt mean vehicleX is unusable. Just as having good luck or a good game doesnt make vehicleX op. Contrary to popular belief on the forums

Yes having good luck and good play doesn’t mean a vehicle is usable.

Just as having bad luck and a bad game doesn’t make a vehicle balanced.

A more relevant question is what performance markers does Gaijin take in to consideration. Unfortunately this is still unknown beyond win rate.

This is probably the best information we have

I need to think about this

Drones, like all planes, should be made to spawn on the runway. They have landing gear modeled, I believe. If they have to take off and cruise to the battlefield, the problem of them spawning in SAM range instantly is solved, isn’t it?

They should leave them as they are for free SPAA farming and get the good feeling of revenge from when they were running rampant in lower br’s on release.

No vehicle type should be resigned to worthlessness, regardless of its reasoning. Drones would still be SPAA fodder, but at least they’d have more chance to do something if they got ground takeoffs. They would still be much less effective than any typical CAS vehicle.