Dreams Come True: TOG II

Watch the tank museums video on the tog 2. Even they say it’s worse then a matilda. It didn’t use modern tank armour but cemented armour, hard on the surface but soft in between on a half inch of mild steel.

It’s gun 3.7 inch gun was not better then 88mm at all and the manoeuvrability was not good due to the low engine power, large weight and long track length.

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Anyone got any info on the performance of the 28 pounder?

Cemented Armour is already found in-game on some ships and is 10% more effective than RHA.

It’s not Krupp it’s British cemented armour which was different. British Cemented armour also is negatively effected on thinner plates. It was considered poor for cruisers and destroyers for that reason. It was better the thicker it got and that made it ideal for battleships.

In-game it’s the same. Just like RHA for all nations is identical even though that was not the case historically. The TOG will almost certainly use the ship cemented armour model.

Well it’s going to inaccurate then wrong then. It’s also as I said half an inch of mild steel backing. To be accurate 114mm would be 102mm of inferior armour with 12.5mm of mild/construction steel. It’s also not evenly the thickness people love to state. Just look at the side, it has a huge door to the fighting compartment only a few mm thick.

The 114mm armor plate is bolted on overtop of the mild steel frame; Japanese tanks were built in a similar way. I won’t be surprised if Gaijin didn’t model the mild steel frame at all. The face-hardened armor on the TOG was not “very inferior” to rolled homogeneous armor.


114mm CA + 12mm MS
And 114mm isn’t exactly thin. British CA was intended for use on all vertical naval armour plates 102mm or thicker. Several heavy cruisers have belts 102mm thick and even battleships have portions of their hulls made from 102mm CA. 114 will be fine.

the mild frame is modelled on the early British tanks so i don’t see what they wouldn’t for this. and yes it was inferior for tanks, as stated cemented armour was better the thicker it got, it wasn’t good for cruisers and smaller or in this case the thin armour of a tank. its to do with the spacing between the hardened surface and soft centre of cemented armour plates.

Neither of these, it seems like it will get a 32 punder lmao. This will probably make it go to like 5.3/5.7 which could be interesting. 200 pen at this BR with decent reload will be brutal

The “94mm gun” referenced is the 28 pounder. The 32 pounder has the same caliber but a different breach and ammunition.

28pdr is an informal name made up recently for the 3.7 Inch QF AA tank mounting* (edited), as that gun never received a proper name, and the test results for it are not known. What is known is that the shell it fired weighed 28 pounds, so according to British convention if it had been adopted it would have been called 28pdr.

The 28 pounder used the same breech as the 17 pounder with the barrel of the 3.7in AA. The shared breech is why there’s the popular misconception that the TOG II used a 17 pounder.

Another event with 6 to 8 hours a day of no-lifeing. Every time I see these announcements I see Gaijin standing there giving casual players the finger. Unless you’re a content creator or get first place every game this ain’t gonna happen. 35k points per day? Seriously? Do they not listen to feedback from previous points based events?

So basically the same gun as the ram aa 94mm?

The Bovington tank museum just put out a YT short on the TOG 2, I think they might’ve heard about this event lmao.

It’s only 36k points per 2 days tho
18k per day is like 9 rounds or 3 hours
Not taking into account the BR multipliers

Can we please use the correct name? And that goes for you too Gaijin.

The TOG 2 did not use the 28pdr, it used the OQF 3’ (76.2mm) 20 cwt (same as Churchill Gun Carrier). It is the TOG 2* (TOG 2 Star) that currently sits in Bovington with its 28pdr.

You can buy all Tasks for a total of 32 bucks until the 16th of November. If you want it and have no time, this is your Option.

The TOG II is yet another predatory fomo Account Only vehicle, so make sure not to miss the Deadline.

Hopefully Gaijin models the sides correctly. The War Office originally wanted the TOG to have sponsons, but by the time that requirement was dropped the sides already had the holes cut in them for sponsons, so during testing they were plugged with metal the same thickness as the rest of the side armor. The white outline in this image shows the location of the planned production model side doors.

The side doors on the tank at Bovington are only sheet metal. They were added by the museum to keep people out of the tank after the original plugs were lost.

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