Draw distance after update


was not fixed

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That’s bad luck.
Could be the drivers as well.
When I tried the FSR 3 beta drivers last month I had issues to.

This has been an ongoing problem for more than 3 years, it is a game breaking bug and is most prolific in sim battles, I’ve just come from a match in which my foes were literally fading in and out of physical visibility within a 500 meter radius from me , and I’ve also noticed an absolute massive plethora of graphical glitches and rendering bugs since the most recent patch, do they even test these patches before releasing them FFS!!!

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Nothing to do with clientside, as a clan we are all facing the same rending malfunctions

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The developers are the only solution, and it turns out they’re too distracted fighting the he/she/them/they/it war

I was flying my VIGGEN, and I saw a dot over the ocean, like 50m high … I zoom in, and a Carrier spawned below the dot, that now I saw it was smoke.

Despite LOD is very bad done, do modern carriers fume so much XD


Hope i dont jinx it…

I was having horrible issues with spotting dots and sometime having disapearing enemies in a dogfight. Tried many things with color,post/fx, nvidia cp settings, nothing worked.

Then i tried a “newer” nvidia driver…im on win 7…with a clean install app from techpowerup. It reset all my color settings and i left it all “stock”.

Had about 3 sessions on ruhr summer and coukd spot and track enemies. Im even thinking about going to a higher resolution on my little 22" monitor. I was seeing bomber dots seemed like all across the map.

I used to try and find bomber formation to protect…id get there, finaly find them…climb a little above…look for them again…no go. Yesterday i could find and watch them thru like 3 levels of detail…np!

Hi. How can you play SIM in Win7? No issues with Easy Anti Chat?

Not yet…im sure as soon as i get everything the way i want it, ill have to install 10.:-)
There is a warning that the day is coming. Steam also…no for wt but for Automobilista 2.
Im thinking bout leaving all my music recording stuff on 7 for now and dual boot 10 for the sims.


Well, at1400x900 i can spot decently, anything higher cant see the dots. I guess this is as good as im gonna get with a 22" monitor.

In War thunder is stupid spotting system. Usually you can spot dot from 8-12 km for fighters… And it’s works like that for enemy contacts friendly dots are visible from greater range like 20 km, and if your friend it’s in close range with enemy you can spot it also from more than this 12 km.

So for example you fight 1-1 witch some one you can spot it from 8-12km. If you fight in group and your friend is like 16 km from you and if your friend Dogfight with enemy you will see also this enemy from more than 8-12 km range.

It’s also noticeable that enemy’s dots is more fading friendly is fat black.

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the issue is not that.
the issue is we can’t see any BIG TANK beyond 1KM
i already try test on match

when enemy about 1KM
they appear
but when i move back little bit few meter
they dissapear, but the treeline not…

that’s the issue
not about aircraft 50KM!

idk why game master game this trash feedback

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