[Domination #2] Eastern Europe [Feedback]

That would be good because I like the alternative version with close spawns better. I voted for it.

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it would be nice if devs could implement a suggestion thing like
“we are wanting to update (certain map ) what would you suggest for changes”
players and devs get to discus changes and see what players come up with
devs implement the most voted for changes for a test run on that map
if goes well that update goes to full live server, if not go back to suggestions and repeat

i just hope the devs and players can implement better changes if interaction continue to get stronger with players

Oh yeah that is what I meant. If you move it too far to the B line it will be too isolated. Bottom C3 is the best spot imo like in your proposal.

Yes! For example, when players propose changes or alternate version of the map I think it’d be really cool if actual map designers could weigh in on the discussion, telling us what is or isn’t viable and what they originally envisioned with the map change.

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Hi guys. Some more details on Eastern Europe missions: More Details On Eastern Europe Missions


Caps and spawns are way too close together. But after all thats what Gaijin thinks the playerbase wants for some reason. And dont forget to revert the terrible Domination #1 changes


Would be funny if you guys brought back the D point between the blue spawns where the two rivers meet.

That’s fine and all, but there are munch better ways of stopping spawn camping on a map without cutting off half the map.

This map doesn’t even see like the worst offender. Look at maginot line, the N spawn can be shot into from the ne hill, and yet it remains unchanged.

Let the tanks manoeuvre and give them room to operate, not everyone wants COD on tracks.


Please note this is not the variant with destroyed bridges, so please focus your feedback on this specific map. You can find the map in Custom Battles.

The other one still exists.

Yeah but from the other topic it seems like that one will only be available until BR 4.0.

Instead of one not very bad map you created two very bad maps. Brilliant!

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Thanks for the write-up! There’s been a lot of… vocal discussion on this change, but sadly a lot of it has been various degrees of misinformed, so it’s appreciated having things spelled out a bit more clearly.


Removing the far side of the river from the all-caps-on-south-side version does make sense, especially when it’s made a sub-4.0 layout. The new version with B across the river actually looks really fun and I’m looking forward to playing it! The #2 layout may potentially bump Eastern Europe to my favourite map from second place (to Poland) depending on how this works out. :)

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Oh nice. I will check this out.

@Stona_WT stop ruin your own game please.

  1. A and C points should be abit further from each other. Move A to the left bottom corner of e-4, move C to the upper right corner of e-5.
    B is OK-ish, only the left team could use more cover on approach from their spawn…

The lowest BRs are the most fun on this map. Thus make it 1.0 - 7.0…


Thank you for the details!

This layout is a huge improvement over the one with destroyed bridges, but still not without flaws.

For one, many of us agree the capture zones are too close together, as seen in the poll I made above:

It would be appreciated if you take this into account.


There are none:

Play the map before commenting next time.

Really good change to allow play on the northern side of the map more.
I like the relative safety of A and C, though devs could move them slightly further away.

This is a great map for all BRs, including my MBTs so it should always be accessible to top BR vehicles.

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The best choice than to destroy the bridges

You have this already.


So leave our linear CQB untouched please:


Just leave the map untoched, every new change is worst.