Does Gaijin intentionally ignore (Air) SIM mode?

Hello everyone,
Many people already wrote (many times, even in the old forum) all the problems or necessary changes for Air Sim mode.

However, after last 2-3 years personally I started to believe that Gaijin either tries to end Air-SIM mode (by ignoring everything and just let people leave the game mode) or they direct all their focus on RB.

Especially at Top Tier, 2 main things are needed:

  1. Increase the map sizes by min 160x160(or limit the player numbers to 5 each team)
  2. just add new missions (I have been playing the same enduring confrontation missions for the last 5 years now. Just (god sake) add new missions. For example make aircraft carriers in some maps much more active or put SAM sites . Or just copy some DCS missions/ Really how hard can it be, especially considering the fact that Gaijin did nothing for the Air-SIM. In the past (3 years ago) at least some developers from Gaijin used to reply. Now they decided being completely silent. There are plenty things which could be written, but I really do not have faith that Gaijin will ever listen

Work for minimal return is not the type of thing Gaijin would do. In fact, simulator battles and helicopters PvE and assault are three of the most forgotten game mode I could list. Not mentioning campaigns that’s officially dead by the moment Gaijin removed the last two theaters from sale.


Gotta love people saying “just add bigger maps” all that’s gonna do is delay the action

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To my understanding, they focus on RB since this mode has the majority of players in it.
Once the simulator mode offers engaging gameplay that attracts a larger player base, you can expect the developers to dedicate more effort to improving it.

Many sim players oppose PvE content, believing that everyone in simulator mode should focus solely on improving their skills by fighting against other players, not playing the game. In my opinion, this mindset is one of the reasons why simulator mode isn’t very popular.

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Add naval please , both arcade and realistic

No, on the contrary, the Sim mode is the game mode where PvE content would matter most, and that’s also the community where I see the necessity of changing missions, targets etc. most. It’s for example the gamemode best suited for many attackers and bombers, but would need a complete revamp of aspcects relevant for those roles.

We’re for example still attacking WW2 style area targets all through the ranks up to high tier, where precision weapons would make realistically defended point targets and modular mission targets with individual modules hard to kill with WW2 style area bombardment much more appealing.

Quality and quantity of AI targets and missions is lacking a lot too: AI aircraft zombies crashing int mountains, being completely out of era, on the other hand AI SPAA have Jedi-like accuracy and precision even (or especially) when on the move, things like that…


As it’s intended to be—yes. But as a significant part of real gameplay—no.
This might be true for older planes, but at top tier, the focus is primarily on PvP.
It’s difficult to focus on hunting ground units, especially when flying USSR planes.

Agree. Though I still strongly believe that AI assisted PvE is the future of this game.

Because of tiny maps.

You spawn on airstrip and already got irradiated be enemy planes radars that just took off a minute earlier.
Everybody fly at 100-500 meters altitude to have a chance of hiding from long range missiles.

…and flat maps.

13.0 and above is Fox3 country, and here it starts becoming also PvP country as attackers have a harder time avoiding detection while trying to complete their missions.

While Afghanistan can offer at least some possibility due to its mountainous terrain, it doesn’t much matter what other map one plays, as the mostly flat landscapes will not allow one to hide and get to the target without detection.

Vietnam you have only the north half which offers “good” terrain, Rocky Canyon, Spain and Sinai offer only very predictable use of landscape, Denmark is completely flat.


These cattle pen maps are driving me crazy.

I just rage quit often, having no chances to avoid being detected and shot down by a amraams

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Only hope Gajin will do anything with Sim is if they will give an RB EC suggestion a green light. Because then they will have to do improvements to EC format and as such it will trickle down from RB to Sim automatically.


Honestly, I don’t think bigger maps will make much of a difference. Everyone tends to play their own way, so nobody will bother covering you.
In my opinion, PvE tasks deserve a separate mode. Finding targets without map markers, setting priorities, and completing tasks with limited ammo can be challenging enough without the added element of PvP.

For dropping bombs on bases—yes, maybe. But if you want to hunt ground units, you need to climb, and that’s where Fox-3 missiles are waiting for you.

Honestly, I do not see how to combine PvE and PvP on top tier, especially considering the disbalance in planes performance.
If devs will make it, I will be happy to play EC and support the game. For now I have to make my own content to enjoy the game.

I could hide in mountains on a big map.
On a small map enemy know where I will be in a minute or two.

That is so untrue, AIM120A can shoot down ennemy on more than 100km, when fired from good alt and speed, it would make game more interesting, and lead players to learn about thayer planes. Bigger maps would be great step forward.

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Never in the countless hours that i’ve spent playing sim, i’ve seen soneone get a kill with amraam fired from 100km. Max is probably 50-55 km.

Only a Phoenix could maybe be capable of such a thing, but an amraam? Yea, no way.