Does anyone like this map variant

I rush points…

I also scout, put out artillery, watch for others who need repair, pop smoke, call for the team to move up, and plan with the team that do pay attention.

Your want to fixate on playing like you’re confused is because you don’t want to understand or acknowledge this because you don’t want an answer, you only want a simple ‘support’ hence every one of your threads being one-line nonsense, leading towards one answer…

Any opposition is met with moving goalposts and silly rebutals, that are literally nothing more than acting a fool, and playing out like it’s all confusing.

Neither of these things grant progress towards the skill bonus.

The skill bonus compounds the “CoD mentality” and rewards such behavior as kills are the most contributing factor towards RP gain.

Skill bonus has nothing at all to do with your map issue…

Are you sure you are genuinely comprehending the communication here or are you going to feign ignorance and move goalposts again?

This game mode is the cherry of the outdated game mechanics. What a lack of creativity, this particular game mode only influentiates campers, facility to CAS and base spawnkillers. There is like 2-3 good games out of 10 with these tiny maps.

Sorry I was replying thinking you were mentioning me in another thread which was going down the same “idea”.

I’m not going to reply to your comments in this thread further as it’s pointless. The discussion was already held and I was given satisfying answers from multiple players.

Because you can’t handle the points I made, and the confrontation that you led by making out I was confusing you…

You were making that statement up, out of your want to make the avoidance.

(flaggers should be disabled and the feature should be ignored)

Yeah it’s fine.Not a favourite but nothing wrong with it.