I never said that I don’t rush the point.
I like it, one of my favorites. I like it mainly because everyone just lemmings to the cap, you can quickly get on the flanks and fire into A and everyone moving around the town buildings.
The only map versions I personally dont like are the ones with new artificial map barriers to make small maps even smaller. I played an Alaska Battle (8.7) and they had the barrier going literally half way through the city. I dislike knife fighting in tanks so not really my jam
There’s a reason the majority of the community has him blocked. Trust me, SOOOOO much better.
He’s a troll, every thread he’s condescending, rude, and then cries to the mods about how you insulted him.
Profile → Preferences → Users.
Buy me a beer later, youre welcome
That ‘majority’ sounds like that vocal minority which obviously can’t handle an opposing opinion.
Like, honestly, have we even interacted, because otherwise you’re just talking trash…
Edit - Yea, it’s pretty unfair to base your opinion of me on interactions from others, who are commonly just only wanting the old echo chambers, and literally can’t use a forum for what it’s for…
Whilst still whinging and moaning on the regular about how bad it’s the game that is their issue, and not their reckless, arrogant playstyle… -
(Stop flagging things you cannot handle people…)
Again, I didn’t say I don’t rush the point…
Definitely broke the Vamilad bot amirite…
For rank 2/rank 3 matches, it is one of the better maps imo.
Nice combination of urban and open terrain, so you can utilize both close and long range tactics and it makes wide variety of vehicles useful, provides nice amount of cover from CAS.
in low tier? might be but high tier from 9.0 onward? no its completely abomination of a maps
Still waiting Vamilad… If you can’t actually handle engagement, I don’t see why you should be posting threads such as you do on the regular…
You’ve already answered my question man
Pretty sure you were confused by the last statement I’d made considering you were trying to say I said something that I didn’t.
My question was already answered
You’re ignoring this… Don’t try say I said things I didn’t, when you’re trying to avoid the advice and information handed to you, because it’s obvious you are having trouble with the map itself, and your actions in the match.
If you don’t want people to be confused by your comments then try to write concisely and don’t change your statements every other comment.
Didn’t change my statements, you made out I said something that I didn’t.
Sorry if you think that you see things that you didn’t.
Speaking concisely so people do not misunderstand you.
Maybe it’s you that can’t understand what was said… Maybe you should go read it all again…
Speaking concisely allows users to understand your position.