Does anybody enjoying cloud&fog spam in Air RB?

I’m not.

Because we have no radar data link for aircraft-to-aircraft, And all aircrafts aren’t have best radar.

I hope that Gaijin remove too much clouds and fog…

They makes our IR missiles useless,(It becomes serious problem who have not many ARH missiles like JAS39) and they make Air realistic battle like past Air realistic battle.

Anybody thinks that “flying inside of cloud- surrounded by poped up enemy missiles(Please remember that all ARHs aren’t have same flying range)- trying to dodge them and you failed to dodge or crashes into ground” is funny?

I feel like it has been cranked up on both air and ground rb.

Wish they brought back dynamic weather at least. Would be fine with more clouds if it happened that way

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It can be an interesting part of map design and sometimes results in interesting encounters. It allows skill expression to some extent for those that know how to make the most use out of it.

But the way it’s currently implemented it’s an absolutely nuisance. When it’s present it covers quite literally the entire map unless you climb above 5km altitude. Also when you’re inside a cloud your screen quite literally goes black. And the terrible spotting system doesn’t help either. Sometimes a player may leave cloud cover and still remain unspotted for 10 whole seconds while an enemy may randomly spot you through a thick rain cloud just because the game decided to fuck you over.

A thick fog covering the runway isn’t fun either. If they want to keep fog visibility 0.1km then they should at least add lights on the runway to guide the pilots.

Not only is it annoying and impedes gameplay, it looks unrealistic as hell. I’m convinced the weather designer doesn’t go outside considering how they make any kind of adverse weather look like something out of the day of judgement.


Yes. Works great for ambushing, throwing a chaser off, obscuring an approach and so on. More dynamic gameplay.

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It’s worse in sim. (this is with the cockpit light on)

I find them quite annoying, and I would rather have less low clouds, or less clouds in general.