I would take the F-16C with half the missiles over the f18 any day of the week
At least from DCS the f-18c has 120 countermeasures from the ALE 47. So i think 120 is correct but who knows what Gaijin will do.
So you are saying the Su-27SM should also move to 14.0 because it has 12 missiles?
Of all the arguments you could make for the Hornets 14.0 BR, I think “muh 12 missiles” is the weakest.
are there any?
I suppose 60 is a placeholder/WIP value then, or at least hope so!
Ok, how is 120/2 more than 96/1?
The number 120 is greater than the number 96 by 24
Would be fantastic if you could stop replying to me. This is going nowhere and is only an excuse for you to complain about a healthy amount of CMs.
f18 120 is in reality only 60 pops while su27 96 is 96 pops
as simple as that
Pops is not the complaint of OP.
If he wants to complain about that he can edit his posts and I will delete mine
I mean any argument is already better than “but it has 12 missiles, so it must be 14.0”, I wouldn’t even be picky.
The Gripen is 13.7 with half the count of missiles and the F-18 has 2.5x the AMRAAM count.
Doesn’t hold up well but you said you wouldn’t be picky.
It goes without saying… double drop countermeasures with a low amount of them is a big deal
No it isn’t. The Jeff has like, what, 64? And I don’t find myself usually using all of them.
Just scream into the wind, it will be more effective.
Why that toxic demeanor? Also the Jeff has SINGLE drop and large calibre. Its like a f-16 having 128 flares so not comparable
Yes it should… EF2000, Rafale, SU30 and maybe F15E should be 14.7
64 large pops which is still more pops and probably more effective than f18
F-15E full BR than F-15C only because it accelerates faster 💀
F-15C and some other 13.7s could be 14.3, the F-18C if it really gets 120 countermeasures could also be 14.3 and the rest of the 14.0s should go to 14.7 (assuming they fix ef2000 and rafale irst/radar bugs)