Do you think the F-18C should be 14.0?

well its a naval jet. it kind of has to be usable at near-stall speeds

Gripen also has 6.1x the CM count of a fixed F/A-18C (120 CM)

12.2x the amount for the current dev server F/A-18C

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And it has better weaponry, more flares/chaff, i think better radar, etc

i think that they should add a better 9M variant, much likely the 9M-8/9 that have better HOBS capabilities and a 35-40G of maximum overload this would help the F-18Cs a lot in close combat specially with things like the Typhoon, Rafale and now the Su-30SM with a really good HOBS missile and flight model.

The later AIM-9 variants do not change the body of the missile and will offer the same close range performance

Thats one of the hornets strong points.

If you think su33 has useless radar try olay f14b

But it seems too exaggerated, you can do a cobra and get to float at like 100kph while totally vertical and still have some elevator authority to move your nose around

Much the same for su30 right now imo. I would be surprised if flight model were finished for either rn. Dont get me wrong su30sm should be able to do it but shouldnt have this much control, im also fairly sure it could pull more aoa but it wiuld put it at risk of wing rip

The su30sm seems to have different issues, it doesn’t bleed speed fast enough on very high AoA, it should almost stop immediately mid air when pulling cobras at slow speed but somehow keeps its momentum, that is even detrimental often times if you want to change your heading instead of going back to your original heading, like a 180 spin. Feels too arcady in a way.

The f18 doesn’t have TVC so its a bit weird to see it have some control surface authority at that slow speeds. I know its supposed to have decent control at slow speeds, but that much is a bit weird. Obviously I could be wrong since I never piloted one IRL. Its just my assumption.

13.7 at best, but the most important is to put rafales efts and 30SMs at least 14.3 so they can keep eating themselves while i chill with my mig29g lol

Yeah but your mig29G and many other 13.0s should also be more separated from 12.0-12.7 jets because they stomp in downtiers with much better missile kits

There are better 13.7 jets so no. If they give f18 aesa radar then maybe.

I’d have no problem with them moving it to 13.3 together with other 13.0 4th gen as long as they keep rafale and its friends at 14.7, in fact that’d be the best outcome, phantom and mirage f1 shouldn’t face r27ers and fakours.

One can hope

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