Do you think the F-18C should be 14.0?

Looking at that flare count makes me not want to touch it

It’s the slowest jet at top tier, so it gets out-ranged in BVR, and with aim-120 it won’t work very well for HOBS fighting.

Can we… PLEASE… increase the BR ceiling to 14.3 or 14.7 to balance many of top tiers properly?

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It has 120 flares, a good radar, meta flight performance outside its top speed.
A good compliment of weapons.

Yeah, it should be the same BR as the top fighters at this time.

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you just described most 13.7 jets



It would make sense to put it at 13.7, but this is the dev server. Hornet’s acceleration is likely to be nerfed.

“meta flight performance” except the most important part for the current meta 😭


the flankers use large caliber so this comparison doesn’t make much sense


Seems like low speed handling should be nerfed too. Seems to have way too much nose authority at almost stall like speeds

He only mentions flare count, not caliber

As far as I know Large and Small calibre chaff is nigh the same. Correct me if i’m wrong :)

Should have BOL rails, same as every end of line US jet, but doesn’t for ‘"some reason’"


And flankers or the j10 which only has 72, single drop with each press, while F-16s and the F-18 drop 2 with each press(or 4 if you flare and chaff)

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F-15s aren’t most 13.7 jets.
Most 13.7s have worse flight performance or worse armament.
F-16s and Gripens give up armament.
J-11A gives up flight performance and radar.

Yes, 120; 60 is a placeholder while they finish the model.

Speed is only important for the first couple minutes, after that it’s survival capability which requires general flight performance more than speed.

dont have any stats on them but i do feel like its easier to notch using large

yeah it’s got 12 missiles why would it be 13.7 lol
You know what actually give it AIM-120C-4 (not 5 or 7!) to cement it as missiles truck

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120/2 small caliber or 96/1 large caliber.

You tell me which is more.


missile count mite not be a good argument considering the su27 has 12 at that br, (its radar sucks ass tho)

extreme skill issue usamain copium


just extend max br to 15.0 or 14.7 and fixed

Ok that’s a little better. Still the other 14.0s should go up, but rafale and Eurofighter require radar bug ASAP, the IRST messes the locks very often and makes you die like an idiot without firing anything back.