Do you think the F-18C should be 14.0?

I usually agree, but I don’t think this is fair. He’s asking for something very valid, a BR cap increase.

i think the problem is its slightly better than a lot of 13.7 but i don’t think it can really hang with a lotta the 14.0 jets either


your calling me a usamain? bro I am rank 8 in 8 nations so shut up. I only advocate for balance and I enjoy to fly everything


The new Tornado doesn’t even get any armament aside from guns, so expect everything to change people.

Well as long as the Rafale and F-15E are 14.0, so should the F-18C; tho I do need to re-test Rafale’s rate speeds.
And Typhoon isn’t as threatening as people have portrayed.

who cares your fictional problem? xD

It’s not really when it’s an issue of gaijins own design. The same way every other US end of line aircraft should have BOL pods.

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i mean currently the typhoon is the king of top tier so id say its pretty threatening and the rafale is only a little bit behind its terms of flight pref, tho i feel like the su30sm is kinda gonna push it out of it playstyle since its gonna be both good in closer fights and bvr with the r77-1.

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Only the german one, the british one has big issues because of the radar changing to IRST on a whim, rafale suffers the same issues but the Eurofighter also has the radar itself bugged, needs to double pass often before detecting something, sometimes doesn’t detect anything, other times straight up hallucinates and shows stuff that isn’t there

yeah the radars on a lotta planes rn feel like a buggy mess was hoping the radar rework was this update ngl

su33 have 48 flare without fox 3 and have useless radar (ofter play in 14.0)
f16 ocu 45 flare (always play in 14.0)
f18 have good radar, top1 fox3 , enough flare/chaff and buffed fm
so this is one simple f18 copium

su-33 is 13.0 with single drop large calibre

F-16 ocu is overtiered and I mentioned that in other posts, it should be balanced with higher BR ceilings because its easily the worse 13.7 after the j11a. Lowering it to 13.3 or less will create other issues. Lowering the F-16D to 13.3 was stupid too, the OCU deserved that far more

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You live in a fantasy land if you really think you’re making a point here

First of all I wanted to thank the developers. The plane really feels like an F-18, especially when flying at low speeds and the ability to control the nose reminded me of more hardcore flight sims!

Then I did some tests on the hornet С with 402 engines.
I found that it accelerates from 0 to 1 mach faster than the F-15C and F-16C block 50! (35 sec for Hornet and 37 sec for f15 and f16) at sea level.
It also climbs 10,000 meters faster than 15c and 16c and if you go straight up it is at the level of the F-15C and jumps 400 meters higher than the F-16C.
Moreover, the F-18A (ge 400 engines) accelerates faster than the F-16 Block 40.

I know that there is no documentation on the f-18. But still, it is well known (from its pilots interview, etc) that the F-18 has good maneuverability at high angles of attack and controllability at low speeds. But in terms of acceleration and climb, this is not the most outstanding aircraft.

If you compare its dynamics with thehornet module from DСS World, it feels like it is about 4500lbs lighter than it should be. There Hornet with same fuel load accelerates 0-1mach in 42 seconds vs 35 in the WT

And who said that the Hornet has outstanding sustain turn rate? F-16 Block 10 should be better. But this is not the case in the game now.

Here you can hear the opinion of a pilot who has flown both types:

I think I read somewhere that the f-18 could use the suu 42a/a countermeasure pod to expand it’s countermeasure count I can’t remember exactly where I read it if anyone else has heard similar maybe the Suu would be a good addition to the hornet

Again, caliber is different from count. If he had mentioned caliber it would be different.

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If it really does get 120 flares then 14.0 should be fine.

I thought i saw 60 on the stream but maybe that was the A.

if you think thats bad, the american f18 at least gets hmd the finish one doesnt and its the same br with the same countermeasures

Why is everyone saying that it has 120 flares?

It has 60, at least on the dev server.

Thats placeholder no? If it gets it it will be the best F-18 I think