Do you feel good playing AIR RB in Top-Tier? Let me know a little!

Hello Guys, Do you feel good playing AIR RB in Top-Tier? Let me know a little!

Im conducting a satisfaction survey about the game because I care deeply about its health and development. The goal is to gather valuable information to contribute to improvements. Your participation is essential for us to move forward. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!


If you’re curious about the results, I can totally show you what I’ve got so far! :)

((I won’t comment on all the questions because I will make a slightly more detailed video at an appropriate time about all the data…))

( repostas = means answers in portuguese )

The first question is to understand how each player perceives themselves within the game, as different types of players will have different results. Of course, considering the focus of the research, I checked each username and the performance of each player who responded to the survey. Troll, fake, or misleading responses were deleted. There is another form in my native language, Portuguese, with approximately 110 samples and similar results


Satisfied = 11,9%.
Well, a comment on this very interesting issue that I enjoyed addressing while analyzing the data is that most of the less stressed players are the best players, while the casual player base, who only plays to have fun with friends or with a vehicle they like, regardless of the reason, is much more stressed… Although I mention who is more or less stressed based on the results, this is almost irrelevant since the majority of players are predominantly stressed with the game.

For those reading the results, it might seem like a pointless question about the game’s situation or one that doesn’t contribute to the purpose of the form. That’s why I included a complementary and open-ended question so that players could explain their reasoning. And well, the complaints, criticisms, and outbursts all stem from simple issues; the responses are like… 16v16 is not healthy, wallet warriors are skyrocketing to the top tier without having the necessary skills, ruining the experience for those around them, etc. We know why this happens; it’s not necessarily the fault of those who buy but rather those who sell. A person with a 0.5 KD in an F-15C is just a deplorable result of Gaijin’s greed. There are so many aspects to address regarding this issue that it could easily yield a single video on my channel. (Yes, I will make a video about the data processed from this research once I reach around 1000 samples; the more, the better…).
The reason for the questions about the maps was simply to understand the level of rejection for each one. Basically, casual players really prefer small maps (mainly because they struggle with positioning themselves in a match with advanced aircraft and using radar to define routes, so it’s easier for them to just fly straight for a minute and then engage in short-range fights or die to a Fox-3 while trying to trade some kills). More experienced players prefer medium/large maps due to the greater freedom to play and a better sense of order, although both types of map can still be bad. This was the standard occurrence of responses to this question; however, even with a standard occurrence, people are divided about the maps; one could say they are bad and no longer make sense in the game. A change in how AIR battles generally occur needs a new proposal. Across all levels of responses, there were criticisms and complaints about the CURRENT state of AIR battles; although there is something that works better for one niche or another, the game is not healthy.
This question aimed to explore at what levels of gameplay players can already feel the compression with the current Battle Rating, especially those fighters like the JAS-39C, F-15C, M2K, Su27SM, F-16C, etc… I remember when we used to discuss these aircraft here on the forum around 2015-2016, and even back then, we already knew they would have to be at a much higher BR than the current one at that time, which was 9.0. We were already talking about 14.3 or 14.7 for modern aircraft (My question is, it’s something we knew back then, it’s something we know today, so why isn’t it being done? Well… think for yourselves, because the responses we’ll get from the game representatives are something to be disregarded). Before Gaijin claims again that the reason for the low BR of modern vehicles in the game is due to queue time, or difficulty in creating matches, etc, I’d like to point out that if the game were to use 12v12 or 8v8 matches, the BRs could be raised in a flexible and practical way (mathematically speaking, we would hypothetically have fewer congested matches with players in empty spaces that only serve to trade kills; we would also have more matches, thus… problem solved, in summary). Although it’s probably not worth discussing matchmaking and battle rating issues here on the forum, since we all know what the problem is, I’ll address the real reason in my channel why Gaijin maintains an absurd compression in the game, and honestly… it’s very sad to know this.
This question is about the number of changes that Gaijin makes to game elements, which significantly affect how we play, often in negative ways, without clear notifications. Let me provide an example for you to understand: I’ve been training for Air Superiority tirelessly for a month now, and I also have contact with other teams, some of which have already qualified for the Tournament. While playing, training, and analyzing replays especially with the new feature, the ‘tac view of War Thunder’, we see things change from one day to the next. For example, one day we were able to execute a perfect notch on a Fox-3; we performed the maneuvers, used chaff, and defended ourselves successfully; the enemy missile was simply defeated. The next day, under the same conditions, the missile reconnected every time we broke the lock and took us down or damaged us even with perfect defensive maneuvers. What are we supposed to do? Relearn how to play every week? There are multiple examples of things that mysteriously change how they work overnight: any type of missile, whether it’s Fox-1, Fox-2, or Fox-3; how radars work; the efficiency of flares and chaff… Also, if you have any reports or feelings related to this, please comment in the spreadsheet. We already know it’s real; we just want to see how much you all notice it.

To complement, I’m going to leave this open; I won’t comment on my opinion because I’m afraid of the
c 3 n s [joke] 0 r s h 1 p
in this forum. Ty for all the support guys :)


We need changes and we need it now.


I wish snail would periodically conduct surveys like this one (amazing btw). However, i feel like the results would go ignored anyway.


I don’t enjoy anything top tier in this game…


I absolutely hate top-tier air RB, it’s an absolute nightmare.

They need to nerf things so hard, because the entire meta is IRCCM missiles and ARH missiles.

Even IRCCM missile in close quarters, like a majority of top tier air is played, don’t have time to correct after locking a flare, let alone them just not working most of the time.

ARH, maybe allow only 1 off the pylon at a time, because the spam is crazy.


war thunder toptier need a change


Maybe if there was a guns only thing…
I’m in rank 4 so this is just my opinion.


My biggest issue with top tier ARB at the moment is just the state of the aircraft themselves. The amount of nerfs for aircraft. Either intentional nerfs like BOL or nerfs that are a result of just unfinished content, is just insane. I’ve been wanting the Sea Harrier FA2 for ages, and it has such potential. But it is so unfinished, that is just not fun to play. Placeholder RWR, underperforming radar, BOL barely works, No HUD (bigger impact in Sim than ARB) is just getting more and more frustrating. So many aircraft that should be good, arent because Gaijin cant be bothered.

After that, Gaijin just needs to work on their maps. They’ve never really put much effort into air maps and now they do.

Then maybe an alternative gamemode like Air RB EC.


Ive barely touched ARH top tier yet, but have a pretty decent amount of gameplay from top tier before ARHs.

It was pretty bleh honestly. I only really played and play it on occasion when a friend invites me to join him. Its kinda stale and boring.

I rarely even play prop tier ARB anymore. The vast majority of my flying time is spent playing CAP in GRB because the dogfights in GRB are legitimately more fun and interesting, and varied, than ARB.


I agree with the take that top tierARB has been absolute dogwater, which is why I’ve sotpped playing it as much and instead have moved onto playing sim a lot more. Much smaller matches, and it’s simply a lot less hectic. Plus, having PvE, while I do not endulge in it often at top tier, is a nice touch


It has already become a fact that Gaijin will never do anything about changing top tier air (and air rb in general) no matter what polls are showing, or how negative discussions are on forums as long as there is 150 000+ players every day. Its sad to see that a game upon release mainly focused on WW2 and post war vehicles yet now its has fallen into microtransaction maddnes and focused on marketing only top tier vehicles. I’ve come to the point where playing WT just feel pointless, with every match lasting less then 3 minutes (not counting takeoff).

They most likely never will, Gaijin is too busy developing 4 updates a year that when they do come out are buggy as hell indicating dev team needs either more time to develop them or less contet to include in a patch. Now that I mentioned this also might be a reason why event cycle was introduced, copy paste vehicles in BP’s, almost non apearant “12v12 option for air rb” and so on.

And as long as WT is having 170 000 players on workdays as it was today during daytime at one point, the chances for a positive change or a change at all to come are very, very slim.