Less time for gaining RP but suits scattered time more
That’s a down side of sniping maps, which is a retarded design for it makes the middle part no man’s zone, See in left part of large Sinai and left part of old large Tunisia. Basically removes the Largeness of maps, and can be with small maps such as small SW El Alamein.
Gaijin cannot balance
That’s a composition of reaction competition and reaction competition. I’m preferring a search & destroy style, not 2 teams with known positions ramming into each other with ranged shots or not
Larger maps need to be accompanied by game modes that support it, as of now, all maps are basically designed to be TDM/MOBA style gameplay. Until then, nothing can be done to address the terrible maps we have.
Attack/Defense game mode needs to be a thing, Gaijin, it’s long overdue.
I was thinking more along the lines of the “Advance” event Gaijin tried a couple of years ago, was probably canceled because there aren’t that many maps in the game to implement it properly, but a brand new ground EC mode would be a great start too. As long as it is PvE focused like GHPC.
An attack/defense game mode would go be great with the new ammo box and hopefully digging mechanic that they teased a couple of months ago, it just makes a lot of sense to work on bringing Advance back to the game.
What acutally bothers me with small maps is the fact that you adjust the engine volume separately between your own engine and others. Because of that you can hear anyone approaching from like 6 blocks away which denies any attempt of an ambush. Especialy on city maps this is really annoying due to the fact that if you drive around a corner you expose your chassis before your turrent, so anybody that is defending the angle can shoot you first before you are able to shoot them in return. That why I think most city maps are awful to play because a counterattack is almost impossible with this volume settings currently. And from a realistic perspective you won’t hear anything inside of a tank apart from your own engine. So if you ask me if you wanna have to advantage of hearing other engine you should have to shut off your own. I think this might make smaller maps more enjoyable.
I wish. I’ve had my engine sound turned all the way down to 30%, enemy engines to 100%, and lowered the gun volume so I can crank up the overall volume, and my engine still drowns out 75% of all sounds.
one of the problems is that for most of the big maps in WarT Gaijin takes a normal map and put some sides on it but they are like forests or very big sand parts that are not very interesting tacticaly , i think they have to create new biger maps that are fun and where you have to use your brain to win the battle !
Worse for RP gain, and it also leads to ODL, which is one of the big problems at top tier right now.
That is completely not relative to map size, you should play the objectives regardless, therefore you should always have some decent amount of ammo and be capable to replenish at one point of the match if you’ve survived long enough.
It’s a weakness that they trade for having a lower profile than most of MBTs, therefore they’re also capable of sneaking around the smallest hills and short the gaps.
And so is the permanent CQB around capture points, that’s peak hypocrisy by trying to ignore the current statu quo that relies on CQB to secure most of capture zones (at least there’s some maps that tend to have a point out in the open, but it’s not a granted thing on most of maps in the current pool).
I was going to create a new thread for this, and decided to use this topic instead. This issue has been driving me insane for months now. I enjoy top tier GRB gameplay a great deal - combined arms, fast vehicles, effective rounds, the lot of it - but these map rotations are unbelievably awful. I will go dozens of matches between maps with more than 1km between spawns, and 50% of those are urban landscapes with no sightlines longer than 500m. Gameplay is monotonous, wholly oriented towards people who are good at twitch shooting and snapshots, and utterly devoid of tactics - there is no flanking, there is no playing the objective, all that is available is a blind rush.
There needs to be a balance between CQB being available and everything being long range sniping, but this is getting intolerable. Maps available at 3.7 should not, under any circumstances be available for top tier. Spawncamping is immediate. There is no meaning to movement. Trashy players will spawnrush immediately and do nothing else. Everyone is clustered together for CAS to pick apart at will. This is an absurd state of affairs. Gaijin needs to fix their maps in a larger sense, but an immediate solution would be limiting top tier rotation to only maps that are 2x2km or larger.
yeah, it’s so fun to unlock new tanks and read Gaijins own words “this is not a brawler, shooting at a distance would be adviced” when you know gaijin is actively trying to discourage that playstyle with their map designs.
And you, of all people, have come to possess this knowledge in detail by what means, from these masses who don’t use the forums or social media to express their opinions?