
are you smoking something? cz if u check the killcam it show the front hull goes through the composite armor and kill 3 of my crew + i ain’t wasting more time arguing no more

Over 3000 games at toptier and you dont even know what desync is, actually embarrassing you keep deflecting and moving the goalpost


started top tier yesterday and yet u still show me how low ur iq is, if the shot hit my wheel and went straight through my fuel tanks not hitting my composite armor, why my right track isn’t damaged?

Can your brain comprehend what i said or should i paraphrase again so your tiny brain can understand basic stuff.

Man you dont understand how far the track is to the actual hull do you

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do u see the difference between this one
and this one?

the shell that penetrated the hull was far away from the right track, and then hit the composite armor, and if u think it didn’t check the killcam again and record it and prove it to me that it didn’t and i can take all this back.

lmao said the guy that says this clearly can’t argue correctly since his eyes are off and types with his legs instead

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Thats called desync you ever heard of it im sire you’ve had turret desync before this is the same thing you’re just clueless its okay.

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u keep repeating the same word multiple times shows that you’re the one that have no idea, and clearly you got low iq lmao

The 3BM25 is just as shit. Has high pen but very little post-pen damage.