Discussion: Sim EC Mk2 - PvE updates for the next Gen of aircraft


F-14 backseaters crying in the fusebox, the F-4 would be a funny treat too. Maybe interactive cockpits…


in HUD IFF would be interesting. Definetly something Gaijin needs to take a serious look at with these current aircraft.

Though they’ve barely gotten radar symbology to display in the HUDs working so far. Too many missing that.

But yeah, maybe a proper suggestions needs to be done for it


Better/more realistic MFD’s would be nice as well.

Yeah, things like properly modeled store pages in aircraft that had them. Like the Gr7

Yeah, and speaking of F-14’s, can’t wait to see the F-14D, might have a reason to grind American Air then, backseater has a bunch of MFD’s there, 3 I think, same with the Gripen, pilot had 3 MFD’s. Just being realistic to the aircraft would be nice, but it’s all pretty much the same (currently). It would almost be a DCS feel, without all the background knowledge and flight checks and things like that, essentially not a button pressing simulator.

Yeah, Sim should remain user friendly, but there is no reason it cant feel more immersive at the same time

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I feel like even Microsoft flight simulator is easier to just fly than in DCS. I downloaded DCS, and I just couldn’t do it, it was too much info and space on my computer and couldn’t figure it out.

I need to try it at some point

I did once, and then I realized the 135gb storage wasn’t worth it, get the Steam edition before you actually buy it too, it’s free on the Steam edition.

ah yeah. id need to clear out loads for that

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Working MFD screens like in DCS would be great for Sim. Right now the camera MFD screens are just there for decoration. Even the F-14B TISEO system doesn’t work how it’s intended to which is such a shame

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yes, I can understand you. but no one is a professional away. with DCS, it only works step by step with patience. I started with P-51 and F-86 back then. what I like best is the editor in DCS. the complete freedom. we recreated a EC Sim mission some time ago. it felt good. EC Sim without snail slime.

Looks like we might be getting a MFD revamp in the new update

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I like every single idea you listed Morvran_

We also need some clever way to reduce TeamKill possibility, I try my best to keep good SA but sometime it’s just impossible, just a few days ago i was groundpounding on a A10A I was jumped by a Japanese F4 and went to defensive, Flared Turned hard saw it on my gunsight a clear phantom silhouette just couldn’t see the roundels, sent a 9Lima, Kill! except It was a US Phantom that came to help me and I didn’t know it was there I felt like a piece of sh…t.

I’m a Real Life Pilot from the field i operate from there 2 “warbirds” Fouga Magister I can see their french roundels and marking 2 NM away, how can we simulate this? human eye has an amazing capability to enhance details that is really hard to simulate but not impossible.

This problem is only present from Rank 6 and above were same AC model is used by multiple nations, I do not like icons, but maybe a sort of permanent “glow” around the enemy airplanes? maybe Non realistic Big flag texture on the wings? any opinion on this?

Yeah, VID between like for like aircraft is really hard. Definetly needs something to assist in that department.

they are also about to add a Mig-21 to the UK tree so tahts another to worry about now too.

How the game renders aircraft needs an overhaul. Its buggy as hell and being able to see things like roundels would be a big boost. Even when starring at aircraft through a targeting pod, its hard to see sometimes

Damn it looks like the only MFD update is new radar screen and new weapons loadout screen for helis. No ability to use the targeting cameras in cockpit view, absolutely gutted

You need big maps for that…and I mean, BIG.
What happens when HARMs get into SBGF battle, killing all the SPAA from the spawn without ability to shoot back?

Because your eyes have high acuity FOV of only 5°.
That would be an equivalent of max zoom ingame and then some.
When you’re unzoomed, you’re at about 100-120° FOV.

As the game progresses towards modern combat, they have SO MUCH they could be adding, Like various longer range strategic AA and EWR, that when destroyed allows say a B-1 equivalent strike against an airfield, or a defended air-FOB with a small hawk site and hardened shelters that spawns AI helo’s (and allows player helo’s) to pester friendly ground units, perhaps if the AWACS or equivalent was spotted but not disabled by the player (say they got intercepted before they could engage) then an AI interceptor will spawn in and try and down it (think like MIG 31/35), if another player claims the AWACS before the spawned AI can, then it loiters for a brief time, possibly interfering or luring opposing aircraft or SAM’s into engaging it. There’s so much potential, that just… isn’t going anywhere. It hurts