I’ll just repost what I said in the devblog:
Extremely disappointed about this. Benelux is an extremely poor choice for France and will be dull as hell. The additions will be boring C&P and will be attractive to no one. As said ad infinitum, the Swiss would have been the infinitely superior choice for France, due to their cool, unique vehicles, such as Shark FL20, which Germany does not need, as they have native versions of almost all Swiss vehicles. Benelux, or at least the Dutch should’ve gone to Germany, with the Swiss going to France!!
As a French main since the birth of the tree, which I preordered for all 4 French trees, getting the Benelux would be disastrous. The addition for France are gonna be so bland it’s just sad. There is so much more potential in the Swiss than with the Dutch. The very most important part, as i said is Shark FL20, cause w/o the Swiss France CAN NOT receive anything with FL20 as it was only mounted on two hulls: Mowag Shark and the Marder… on the Marder, it was known as Clovis which Germany will get someday regardless. They DO NOT need the Swiss to get the same exact weapon systems on thier own native platforms, while France does not have that luxury:

Another example is the Shark Wildcat AA, which again, Germany already has a native version of in the Fuchs Wildcat:

Ofc, this doesn’t even go into the D.3800/1/2/3’s, which are souped up ultimate MS406s:

All of this to say. the Benelux, or at the bare minimum, the Dutch should not go to France, as others such as the Swiss would be infinitely more useful, interesting, and in the end fun than otherwise.
Please please please reconsider this guys!!!