Discussion on ZTZ99A model errors in game

I hope this error can be corrected as soon as possible

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this error need be corrected as soon as possible,


We need minor nation vehicles to be better. Plz fix.


Chinese top tier is in such a mid state, the only reason I actively grinds China is because I felt the need to be a zhanlang(a term used to describe die-hard China mains or has most if not all Chinese vehicles). Talk about other minor nations, the only thing I consider inferior to the ZTZ99A and variants is probably the leclercs.
Edit: yeah I like the ariete AMV ngl

Let’s turn our attention once again to VT4

Another error has been discovered

The VT was such a huge let down. Laugh at the C1 ariete all we want but for around probably three weeks or a month the VT4 actually has worse armor until it was buffed.
This did spark a lot of criticism on Chinese forums since the VT is the most inaccurate out of the three top tiers and it just ever happened to be the export one. Video games influencing arms export? Noooooooooo…totally childish and not true!

Aminoac gaijin aminelahsow


The ISSUES report for VT4 lacking some armor has been approved, and even if these issues are fixed, VT4’s performance is not worth staying at 11.7. Perhaps Gaijin believes that an unsatisfactory APS system can represent a BR of 1.7. As a top-level vehicle, its competitiveness is not even as good as the M1A1 gift package

Damn bro I really liked your Username, probably one of the best I’ve ever seen here.

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The LeClercs are far superior to the ZTZ99A. Better gun handling, better traverse, 5 second reload, and their armor’s slowly been buffed to decent levels.

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I don’t think it’s far ahead yet because its armor is very poor. However, Leclerc’s firepower is indeed superior

And other stories you can tell yourself.

The Leclercs haven’t received any armor buffs every since the Leclerc S1 was added into the game 5 years ago mate, I’m not sure where you get that from.

In my opinion ZTZ-99A & Leclercs are about the same : Both have about the same penetration and mobility, but the armor is better on the ZTZ-99A while Leclerc has better rate of fire.

Its armor really isn’t that bad. It’s more survivable than the ZTZ-99A, most certainly. The LFP “flat” plate is 500mm+ and the cheeks are quite tough, as well. Considering how superior it is in reload and handling - I would easily take the LeClerc over the 99A.

The Ariete is the only one I wouldn’t take over the 99A.

I understand that you’re a French main and quite delusional. The LeClerc’s hull and turret were far weaker in the past. The LeClerc’s currently are good enough for me to want to grind them, especially with the 5s reload buff. Would take the LeClerc S21 over the T-90M, for example.

The 99A’s LFP is much larger than it should be and its an instant OHKO. Along with a 7.1s reload and missing gun depression. The armor on the 99A is “better”, but the LeClerc is more survivable - and you forget the superior gun handling outside of reload.

We don’t need to compare 99A and Leclerc together because their performance is very poor.
it will only cause arguments
We should look at BVM and 122s as the measurement criteria, rather than comparing the two students with the worst grades
If more detailed, M1A2SEP is the standard line for measuring the quality of vehicles.
Many 11.7 vehicles now perform even worse than the M1A1 AIM of 11.3

By the way, This statement is impolite. I still remember you had an argument last time about the topic of anti peeling lining.
This will only increase conflicts and hatred between different player groups, and will not have any effect on solving the problem.


You’re telling me the Leclerc’s LFP is 500mm thick. Should I be impressed or have you been sleeping under a rock for the last 4 years or so ? 500mm doesn’t protect you from any top tier round and it hasn’t been for 4 years.

I get that you like your Chinese MBTs a lot but the facts are simple : the ZTZ-99A is much more armored than the Leclercs.

People have to stop making things up about the Leclerc. No, its survivability is not better than the ZTZ-99A.

Alright, I think I’m done here

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Pretty obvious that you’re comparing the first LeClerc to the 99A and not the S21…
And that huge LFP on the 99A is an instant OHKO. People don’t understand the difference between armor and survivability - facing players that can aim (I understand you may not be able to) isn’t very favorable for the 99A.

If that would have made such a big difference you would have posted screenshots as a counter.

And how many of those rank 8 MBTs of different nations have you played? I can’t look in game, but online it looks like you are pretty much a chinese main at top tier ground, which makes you quite biased in this discussion.


The LeClerc S21’s flat plate is ~565mm thick (not 500mm as I wrote) which is enough to neutralize (shells going through armor which is only slightly lower than their pen will have almost all of the spall gone) the APFSDS shells of Chinese, French, Russian and British shells.

ZTZ-99A non-pen (most times):

ZTZ-99A pen but spalling decreased so much that only the driver dies while the Commander right behind him survives:

The mantlet is also full of volumetric spots right around the edges:

The area at the optic which is green in the protection map is a ricochet/black hole as well:

And the gunner cheek is 640mm (can’t be penned by anything in-game reliably) while the commander cheek is 600mm (can’t be penned by most shells).

Shooting COM on the somewhat weaker UFP is also usually not a one-shot.

All this in a package with a 5 second reload, fairly spaced crew, superior gun depression of -8 and very good hull/turret/gun laying traverse rates across the board (superior to the ZTZ-99A) make the LeClerc a far superior vehicle to the ZTZ-99A in my opinion.

Especially considering the LFP shot on the ZTZ-99A (which it HAS to show because it doesn’t have the gun depression to work ridges) is a one-shot, while on the LeClerc - it won’t result in a kill most of the time.

The LeClerc S21 is a very good vehicle and I’m not gonna pretend it isn’t.

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bro, you are going to be a troll after some one with A surname, the arguments with franceTT players cant change anything but only the quality level of chinaTT players in other players’ mind, the people we should argue is gaijin, so just stop plz my friend

If I am right, which I know I am - I will never relent.