Disappointing event vehicles currently

I was kind of excited leading up to them releasing but now… we have the T80UD which despite people complaining about too many T80’s I was happy China was getting something more unique for the 10.0/10.3 lineup… then they put it at 10.7 (because it has thermals) where there is no lineup. Like seriously why couldn’t it have just been a copy paste of the Russian premium version, and been kept it at the same BR where there’s an actual lineup (besides a new helicopter premium (which probably influenced the BR placement)). And for air it was looking like we were gonna get another SU25BM situation, in how on release it was the only aircraft with R73’s in the game, it looked like the kfir was going to receive python 4s and be a kind of test bed for this new generation of IR missiles at 13.7/14.0. But alas it received the python 3s (which are generally thought too much of by gaijin when considering BR placement) and the derby’s, then was severely under tiered (except in ground where its the max BR for some reason despite having minimal CAS options, maybe they forgot to change it after scrapping the Python 4 lol). These event vehicles are really lacking any soul and are placed at awful BR’s, for the kfir it’ll probably get moved up after they make their money from people buying coupons off the marketplace, since 13.0 with AESA radar, HMD, and 4 fox 3’s is ridiculous considering something like the AV-8B sits at the same BR when its worse in every way. But for the T80UD I doubt gaijin will budge at all with this thing and it will continue I do hope we see some changes in the time it takes for people to get the mark of distinctions necessary to unlock these vehicles, as right now they’re pretty bad in the sense of 1 being an event vehicle and 2 being properly balanced in accordance to BR (I cant comment on the ship as I don’t play naval, seems better than the other 2 though).

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Currently it gets 2032 radar, not 2052 so its normal M-scan set as of now.

Ah yeah it does, on the event news page it said aesa radar though.

UD is, because it was copypasta, the Kfir C.10 is quiet interesting, and then you have naval (no one cares to be fair)

Also, china didn’t need it.

It also should have been 10.3. It has nothing other than armor that makes the T-80U worth playing. No BM46, no faster reverse…

You forgot to mention the new ship. Another marvelous copy paste.

Yet the Swedish T-80U has Gen-1 thermals, no reverse gear, no camo-net, and only Mango at 11.3 🙃

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Pretty numerous, I can say the respectable part of War Thunder Playerbase,

About the T-80UD (478BE) I was expecting some good improvements like the ZTZ99A/VT4A1 power pack, improved gun handling or a better ammunition selection. But nothing as a 2nd generation thermal imager to push a 10.3 vehicle to 10.7.

I was expecting something really unique over a bad choice of copy paste vehicle. The mentioned AAAV was a good idea but it seems we’ll not see this soon. My guess it’s that, the Storm Warning major update made this event barely developed. What I mean is, it was too rushed.

“Copy-paste” is the ideal event vehicle; time-locked content should never be unique.

The actual ideal would be to have no time-locked content at all, but since we’re stuck with it “copy-paste” is best.


I’m very happy to see Kirishima in the game, but less so that half of her class is now time-locked.

No one’s complaining about too many Abrams, Shermans, T-series, etc.
China has a 10.7 - 11.0 lineup too:

Green = 11.0.
Blue = 10.7.
You really shouldn’t post misinformation that’s easily fact-checked.

It got thermals IRL thus should have them in-game.
Kfir was never going to receive Python 4s. Nothing ever indicated this, especially due to how bad the airframe is for 14.0.