Disable smoke in tank assault mode

Then why do you act stupid?

That was AFTER.

Like, how simple do you think people are? Disable smoke in tank assault mode - #14 by O_HOgameplay

That was after even statchecking me.

Not all of them.


This is the 3rd comment, a direct answer to the first comment…

Because I still don’t buy that you even do talk to anyone, that’s how much ‘weight’ I put behind that statement on the 14th post…

You statchecked me, made the various page statements about the german mains and wehraboos to push that side of things THEN started answering to the initial point about telling them.

If i show you in game chat screenshots, will you stop this?

No because honestly, your thread is trash, and it’s not because of the argument…

I stated facts about them.

Thanks for admitting that you are just peak dishonesty.

You stated NOTHING about them… You just posted them up to show I mained Germans like an chucklebug.


What what? I’m pretty sure I’ve said a lot more about what I mean compared to you just insinuating and throwing out veiled insults like you think it’s all fun and games…

Statchecking shouldn’t even be a thing, but alas it’s become the hip thing to do because someone did it and showed someone a meme or 3 and got a few kids hyped…

Anyway, here it is from the last 4 match alone:

That’s just spam and shouting, you’re not telling them, you are dictating.

That sort of thing is how you get a team to ignore you because how would you respond to someone doing the same to you…

And unless you’re actually going to apologize, we have nothing more to discuss here.



Meme it up champ, thing is I’m pointing directly at you, and all of those who want to statcheck and mock at simple common sense suggestions…

Well, you are hardcore camping in your own bubble, so there isn’t much more to do.
You constantly strawmen and shift goalposts, or just straight lie.


Funny looking apologies for statchecking and insinuating my intelligence and all that nonsense in a ‘discussion’.

Statchecking is not against anything. Get over it.

So if you are actually intellingent, why don’t you use yoir intelligence?

Multiple times i have explained things to you over and over, and you still not understand them.
You constantly misrepresent, strawmen, shift goalposts, and lie.

Intelligent people will not do those things.

You have been defeated in this conversation, and instead of owning up to it (you know, something that intelligent people do), you double down. Double? Quadruple!

Anyway, have a nice night/day/watever is at your place. And good luck mass flagging my comments with alt accounts!

Is that you admitting that’s been going on or something? I don’t flag anything bar 1 or 2 in a thread to minimize my ‘spam’ to the moderators.

I have a good name.

It actually goes against having an actual discussion, where anything but a persons perceieved ‘performance’ or ‘skill’ is anything to do with anything, but seeing that it doesn’t track ‘everything’ then it’s a flawed stat or reliance in my eyes.

Much the same as your winrate doesn’t mean jack, considering it relies on the team actually doing it.

But I digress, i’m pushing for you to apologize, I know you won’t but that’s beside the point.

Your desperation to prove me wrong, use my arguments against me, and try make a problem doesn’t forgo you having to from an actual statement or response rather than throwing down memes and statshaming someone to try and silence them…