I don’t hate german mains.
Now of course it is easy to notice the obvious my poetic exaggeration in the topic, but you have failed in it.
However, the following things are facts:
1, This mode is by far mostly played by germany mains.
2, germany mains are usually trash players
3, assault matches are much easier to win when there are no/very few german mains in the team.
Germany mains are proven to be bad even by Gaijin, since they balance tanks by the player performance instead of the tank’s actual capability.
Let’s just take an example. The Panzer 4 F2 and the Chi-Nu are at the same BR, while the Chi-Nu is factually WORSE in every way.
Similar case can be found with the Chi-To and Panzer 4 H/J tanks. They are roughly equivivalent, yet the Panzers are a whole BR lower.
The thing is, Japan is a minor nation, and therefore there are more skilled players playing them, compared to other nations.
However, the reason why Germany is (playerbase wise) worse than other major nations (USA, USSR) is because of the Tiger/Panther mania.
Wehraboos from all over the World (who are sitting all day in front of History Channel, and taking in the wisdom, of the Tiger being never frontally penetrated, and that it could take on a modern MBT and win most of the time (i personally know people who believe this)) find this game, and rush to the Tiger, only to be absolutely owned by literally anybody.
Then they just go play assault, but they simply just lack any kind of pattern recognition.
You know, like them getting shot through smoke, and they continue to pop that damn smoke for the millionth time…
Now of course not all trash players are german mains. But a commonly occuring trait amongs those who play this mode is that they are just horribly bad players.