Disable heli spawn at the beggining of the game

I knew you would continue to be condescending.

But i still don’t understand what you want there mate?

If you’re searching for a Tank only mode,… sorry this doesn’t exist and will not exist in this game, you’d better want to switch to some other game.

I just want immediate helicopter spawn in GRB removed.

Which is still stupid,…

Who would want to use unguided rocket if you remove that spawn?


If i have to wait for using helis, i’ll definetly use ATGM loadout, therefore, i’ll have your ass from so far away that you’ll again cry about it,…

You can use SPAAG at the beginning, while following your team, and destroy those easy to kills Helis with your SPAAG

You can use Tanks having MG roof of 12.7/20mm caliber instead of AMX-13

You can hide your AMX-13 behind cover easily

You can also, use your own helis to do the same, or to fight helis.

You have PLENTY of solution, … and your choice is to complain about something that is not OP,…

Dude, I’ve just played a game where a noiseless mi-24 flew over our entire side on Campania, blasted 2 of my allies, heavily damaged me, casually tanked an APDS I shot and then proceeded to A where it once again engaged my allies and then I finally was awarded with a kill assist.

All this b*llshit with counterplays is absolutely invalid. What else was I supposed to do to counter that?

That’s funny because I see a lot of games when people play this way around 8.0 and it still works so you are completely clueless.

I literally made an inb4 in the OP for such a dumb answer. I don’t want to play in a SPAA solely because some random douchebag wants to do a suicide run in a chopper. I have other vehicles I find more enjoyable to use.

But I want to play the AMX.

I answered this exact statement earlier, so I’m gonna repeat it because you clearly struggle with reading comprehension: in that case I have to give up on early game positions and be in a disadvantage from the very start.

One of such solutions is removing instant heli spawn from the game.

Picking the only area of BR where there is no ATGM on board helis, to proves you’re right huh?

Also i did played those areas lately,… and i did not saw the spam you are talking about, while my Spaag was eagerly waiting Aircraft, as no Helis where coming in.

That’s not a solution,… that’s a patch.

That’s not a solution that’s a band-aid to players unable to adapt to a threat, and prefering to complain about it instead of actively found what they can do, like:

→ checking for helis before they can attack you:
It’s really easy to do, it’s the only point in sky that is moving,…

→ early gun firing at least to make people aware of such threat, and possibly SPAAG to defend you.

→ changing course of movement with your AMX-13 when you try to reach a point:
That can be 5° turns each every 400m,…

5° will make the already flying unguided rocket to miss you, as you just diverted course of 35 m on the side of the intial one → therefore you’re going to be outside the impact range.

→ having different pathing, if yours is to be in plain sight of ennemy helis:
For that you need to learn how to play startegically, and not being a Donnut,…

So please go learn to counter helis, before talking.

What? Literally Mi-4 has ATGMs and it’s at 8.0.

You can check the replay of the last game I played.

How about the heli players adapting this time, huh?

LMAOOOOOO dude hahaha you are sooooo delusional. There’s so much wishful thinking in your solution to this problem I don’t even know where to begin with haha

That’s why you came complainning,… you have no idea what you’re talking about

helis below 9.7 is a blessing when you need to kill aircrafts.

Just start in an AA and wait for the fun to arrive.

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I’ve already proven that you are utterly clueless about the game so your opinion is irrelevant

There’s only one game mode for helicopters and it’s very boring.

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And it is an arcade mode. Besides Ground RB and SB there are no options for non-arcade heli players.

Everyone and their mothers have a top mounted AA HMG at helicopter tiers.

‘git gut’

Heli’s are a part of ground forces just like tanks are. There’s no reason to treat them any differently. This isn’t a tank only game. There’s other games for that.

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No they are not, they are not part of ground forces like tanks, simply because they work entirely differently. If you spawn them late in the games with ATGM they are way stronger than tanks and can barely be countered by tanks, only SPAA’s. And as first spawn they aren’t really comparable either.

The initial phase of ground RB centers around pure tank on tank engagements, and helis don’t fit this at all.
You can’t counter them effectively, and it’s just pure coincident if you get rocked barraged or not.
On the other side, as a helicopter player you don’t benefit much either as this isn’t an effective way to spade helis and are going to get shot down reliably anyway.

If you want to grind helis, play PvE or Sim.

It depend the br of the heli. I can guarantee if you are heli expert in KA-50/52 is possible to get 3 kill before they shot you down. Since must battles people spawn tanks rather then verhicles with autocannon.

If ban this, the spaa and IFV should ban as well. the only reason suffering heli rush is becuase all of your team and you are selffish and blind becuase no one using SPAA even mg to shot down the heli, even .50 cal is pretty easy to shot down a heli like mi24 or ka50