Disable heli spawn at the beggining of the game

People saying heli rushes are hard don’t know anything about the game, they’re incredibly braindead if the player actually knows how to aim the rockets, also the MI-24A (9.3) has a rocket ballistic computer which makes it even easier

Never said I was a good heli pilot in the first place, but for my excuses:
AG-1G was my first heli, so my skills were non existent
H-34’s stats are pretty good imo
The swedish chopper is absolute trash

Never said they’re overpowered, so nice reading comprehension once again. I just said that they shouldn’t be able to spawn right away in any case.

But you don’t have to do it right after the game begins as well. Playing with a heli should be a reward for good performance on the ground, not an early game strategy.

I have nothing against skilled helicopter players. I just don’t want them to be able to spawn immediately.

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Yeah, spamming hundreds of rockets at light tanks until they’re deleted takes a lot of skill

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But that’s War Thunder, not IRL.

Still unguided rockets, spreading themselves and not being corrected.

The slightest error at launch will make it fail, whatever the CCIP told you.

Also many helicopter are not equipped with this feature at lower BR

Still based on Real things.

But if you prefer we could bring back the conditions of spawn of 2014-2015 → you’ll be pleased to see Aircrafts with full loads of bombs rushing your spawn and do 10 kills with 3 bombs of 2000lbs,…

The game itself was made balance, there is nothing hard to understand → currently the spawn conditions are fair.

Dude, there are some adjustments made for the game to be actually fun and playable for most people, to make the game balanced. That’s why wwII era tanks face vehicles from 1970’s. That’s why you can repair vehicles on battlefield that IRL would be scrapped. The thing that the game is based on real life things is not a valid point in this discussion.

Ah yes, the classic “If you don’t like how things are currently maybe you would be happy to see how bad was it back in the day?”

I will allow myself to disagree

You can but it’s stupid, as the main mode for heli is GRB.

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If so then you should be able to spawn with any payload immediately. Ground units are the core of ground battles and any aircraft is just an addition.

I can tolerate the helicopter respawn at the beginning of the battles, but please the helicopters are not Teslas, they cannot be heard at less than 200 meters, I hear an allied tank or helicopter more than 500 meters away but I don’t hear enemy helicopters, enough touching the sound to manipulate gameplay.

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Firstly, an attack helicopter is a flying tank. That was entire concept behind the attack helicopter. Why should they be nerfed if they aren’t doing good?

Why should I be forced to spawn my rocket helicopter when everyone else is already in their AA. It just puts them in a worst situation than they’re already in.

On top of that. They don’t have a “dedicated” game mode. Helicopters were built to attack ground units. It wouldn’t make sense for Helicopter PvP to be a game mode which is why it was removed.

Ever since Ground Battles was added, it has never been about Tanks exclusively. The entire selling point was combined Arms between aircraft and tanks, which later included helicopters. If you do not enjoy this game’s premise, you can go find another one rather than trying to change it.

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I hear helicopters when they’re kilometers away. It might be a sound thing or something.

Yes, me too, but allies, enemy helicopters, don’t ask me how, but you can have it on you and you can barely hear them, and especially since the last patch.

Because the immediate chopper spawns are not making the gameloop any better. Being spammed with rockets by a heli when you barely left your spawn is not an interesting interaction.

Tanks are still MC of the battles, that’s why all game modes require tanks to capture objectives.

Trust me, I’m aware of that.

It combines all tanks, planes and helis, but in order to get to any plane you have to gain enough SP by playing tanks, so there shouldn’t be any exception for choppers nevertheless.

ATGM are very efficient weapons in comparison, it makes no sense to add Ka-50 spamming you at spawn 20sec after the start of the game.

That’s why ATGM aren’t allowed in first spawn Helicopter.

It balanced that way to let you use tanks, and spread on the map.

As they allowed Helicopter in the only gamemode that it make sense to add them in, while not being as OP as was CAS in 2014-2015.

The current balance over Helicopter gameplay is currently good regarding the first spawn situation.

Btw,… Ground unit is not the core of anything currently, as before →
Tanks are here to take ground control over an already achieved superiority.

A Tank company can’t be advancing without cover, as it will be blown up by far superior weapons systems, such as CAS and Helis ATGM’s

Today, even in Ukraine, we saw that Air Defence/Air superiority is proeminent in order to make stop/advance troops.

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Even though helicopters with unguided weaponry are not as effective as ones with guided, the early game chopper spawn still badly affects the early stages of the game.
As I said, when the first enemy you encounter is a chopper that just spams rockets at you and the only thing you can do is trying to shoot it down with 7,62 mm machine gun it’s not an interesting interaction. and doesn’t make the game experience any better.

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Different ways to counter that,… think about it.

I’ve already explained it in earlier replies

Planes and Helicopters are both capable of capturing points. In fact, I’ve done it several times and won games for my team.

While true, being rushed by a helicopter isn’t inherently fun, neither is being immediately destroyed by a tank when you get to the battlefield, which will happen faster than a helicopter.

Your problem isn’t helicopters, it’s how unforgiving WarThunder is as a game in general.

I knew someone would come up with such statement. And how often does it happen? Once every 20/50/100 games? If there was a different game mode with separate objectves for aircraft then immediate spawns for them would be justified.

Lol, lmao even. Not really.

Thanks for the diagnose, doc.

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