Did the Apache use AGMs other than the Hellfire?

It’s pretty obvious that the Hellfires suck in general when compared to other ATGMS such as Vikhrs, Mokopas, Atakas, hell maybe the AKDs (debtable and depends on your preferences). It’s slow, inaccurate at longer ranges, and though the damage is quite good, it is not a ohk (the pros don’t out weigh the cons).

There’s been many bug reports made on the hellfire and still haven’t been implemented yet. I found it amusing that they spent the time to give the Apaches MFD/better cockpit but not better hellfires.

I’m wondering if there were other weaponry used/tested out on the Apache. So far I’m only aware of the Spikes and JAGM. Spikes would be the easiest to add since we have that in game however, it’ll be very cancerous. I’m not sure how JAGM would function, doesn’t the brimstone operate the same way?

Maybe as a temporary solution is to make the IOG pin point meaning that if you lose point lock, it will head to the last known position of the point lock.

I’m just gonna include link this response because I know someone’s gonna say it. Please take a look at this to understand where I’m coming from.


British AH-64Es could be equipped with Brimstones


Thought they never actually went through with the proposal though

Fully tested and intergrated, just for economical reason went for JAGM instead



Huh, article I read about the decision said that it was due to cost like you said, and AGM 179 being integrated with ah64e, whereas brimstone wasnt fully integrated

From what I’ve read, there is nothing stopping the AH-64E from being equipped with them at any time, just, likely wont be happening unless the need is great.

Not uncommon in the MoD for a weapon system to only be fitted when needed. Sea Harrier FRS1s were only cleared for Aim-9Ls and most A2G weapons when actually on route dwon to the falklands over the course of about 2 weeks.

As for the context of War Thunder. Video evidence of an AH-64E firing a Brimstone more than meets gaijins requirements for it. In the absence of mmV, AH-64E with SAL-only Brimstone 2s would be awesome

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Wouldn’t that just be a Hellfire K or a hellfire with longer range?

Essentially, but being able to sit at 30+km and fire a laser guided weapon isnt a bad concollation prize for not having any other options for FnF

If we had the AGM-114L I have a feeling you wouldn’t be asking this question lol.

That is kinda the point of the thread I think.


AGM-114 are easily Vikhr equivalent.
What they lack in speed they make up for in warhead size.

USA has to wait for AH-64E to be added for them to get SPIKE AGMs and JAGM.

JAGM is better anyway.

The largest problem with the Hellfires in game is the absolute travesty that is the top down attack. In reality they come down at about a 70 or so degree angle, in game they climb then come in at a 45 or so

Uh… Not really.

JAGM max range 8km
Brimstone 2 max range about 25km

If mmV cant be added, that includes for both the JAGM or Hellfire, and thus we are are limited to SAL only guided weapons. Then Brimstone 2 is the clear winner


JAGM-MR is 16km range.
Brimstone 2 was never tested on Apache, just Brimstone 1. [This one’s potentially dated info]

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Im 99% certain This is Brimstone 2

Considering the timeline as well, with Brimstone 2s entering service in 2015, it would make sense they tested with the latest version

Conjecture is not useful, that and there’s no evidence that Apache E’s laser has a 25km range.

Besides, much like AGM-114L, it’s impossible to add Brimstone 2 currently.

Nah there’s an invisible SAS guy painting the target with a handheld laser wherever the player wants it to go, bypassing the ah64e laser max range if it isn’t enough

JTAC for the US apache firing JAGM

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  1. It is equal conjecture that it was only Brimstone 1.

  2. Im assuming it would be limited like all other tpods at the moment at 20km. But even if you are forced to get closer, the much better motor on the Brimstone 2 would mean far far less loiter time. If mmVs for FnF are off the table, then high performance laser guided weapons should be the alternative

  3. Duh… AH-64E is not in the game at the moment. the ENTIRE thread is basically asking what could be added instead of mmV hellfires. For Britain, if mmV JAGMs arent an option, then SAL-only Brimstone 2s SHOULD be considered for the AH-64E.As for Brimstone 2s being added, I already think the Brimstone 1s on the GR4 should be replaced with Brimstone 2s for added performance.

As for the AH-64D, we are just plain screwed.

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Read the counter points I have made in the link. You still haven’t made counter points to this day.

You’re right about the spikes only being tested for with the AH-64E.

You’re wrong about JAGM. One JAGM was tested on the AH-64D. Like most tests on the Apache, the JAGM was probably on the 4 rack adapter when it was launched. We can reasonably infer that it can carry 16 of them. You can argue that only one was tested therefore only one can be used however it’ll bring in the double standard of how gaijin implements their vehicles and what sources they use and don’t use.